FreeFileSync installeren

FreeFileSync for Ubuntu 18.04 is a Folder Comparison and Synchronization Software that creates and manages backup copies of all your important files.

Download FreeFileSync for Ubuntu GNU/Linux

Here FreeFileSync Ubuntu

If possible Select directly “Open with Archive Manager”!

The Ubuntu or Debian Release will Works also on others GNU/Linux Systems.

Then Extract into its own directory. E.g. ~/FreeFileSync

If it does Not Open automatically then Double-Click on File Manager and extract

Or from Command Line:

tar xvzf ~/Downloads/FreeFileSync*.tar.gz -C ~/FreeFileSync

Now make a startbutton for GNOME

sudo apt install alacarte

Launch alacarte or main menu or Hoofdmenu

Select Make menu

Click on New Item

Next Click to the Left On the Launcher Icon

Gnome Create Applications Main Menu Entry 4

Fill In Name and Path to Binary

under Command Eventually you Can Browse the File System to Find the Executable in Question.

Browse the Path to your Application Name .png Icon file. if you need one for FreeFileSync download this one.

FreeFileSync icon

Now you'll find the new launcher in the file menu. You may add it to your favourites to have it permanently in your Favourites.