Remote control the Raspberry PI

The new Bulseye version of Raspbian, both in 32bit ans 64 bit version can be controlled from another computer.

Start the Raspberry PI configuration program and enable both SSH and VNC.

After that you can use remmina to login into the SSH terminal.

VNC client can be used to view and use the raspberry PI from a distance.


Sometimes it is not convenient to work directly on the Raspberry Pi. Maybe you would like to work on it from another computer by remote control.

You can remotely gain access to the command line of a Raspberry Pi from another computer on the same network using ssh.

Note you only have access to the command line, not the full desktop environment. 

You can enable or disable the SSH server on your Raspberry Pi (it is enabled by default). This is done using raspi-config:

Enter sudo raspi-config in the terminal, then navigate to ssh, hit Enter and select Enable or disable ssh server.

On Ubuntu you can use remmina to make a connection to the Raspberry PI. Install it using 

sudo apt-get install remmina

setup remmina for SSH connection

VNCviewer from real VNC is the best option to view the remote desktop from your Raspberry PI.

Install it in Linux using this website:

After that, enter the IP number and the port to use to enter the VNC session from the raspberry PI. There are ample tutorials how to do that.

In short:

VNC uses port 5900. You can change that, but that is not neccesairy. If you want to remotely control a raspberry, you may need to open this port on the router is uses to connect to the internet. SSH uses port 22. On a experia Box v10a you may enter these ports..

However, opening a port exposes the raspberry direct to the internet and implies a security risc.

Now there is a bug on The raspberry PI 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3:

The screen resolution doesn´t work right when no HDMI monitor is actually connected:

appending video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080@60D to the end of /boot/cmdline.txt fixed the problem!




In a terminal:

sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt

enter this line direct after the other code in this line. This actually worked in my case, but looks like it only supports standard resolutions, those worked with me:




After that choose the same resolution in your VNC session in:

Menu --> Preferences--> Raspberry PI configuration --> Display --> Headless Resolution

Read more in this thread: