
Jellyfin is a self hosted open source media streaming platform. it can be run on a Raspberry PI or on a QNAP NAS

To install it on a raspberry PI use:

sudo apt update

sudo apt full-upgrade

sudo apt install apt-transport-https lsb-release

curl | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/jellyfin-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jellyfin-archive-keyring.gpg arch=$( dpkg --print-architecture )] $( lsb_release -c -s ) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jellyfin.list

sudo apt update

sudo apt install jellyfin

Now that you have installed the Jellyfin media server to your Raspberry Pi, you will want to access its web interface.

The web interface is straightforward to use and supports most major web browsers.

1. To access the Jellyifn web interface, you will need to know your Raspberry Pi’s IP address.

The quickest way of getting your Pi’s local IP address is to use the hostname command as we have below.

hostname -I


Now Jellyfin is up and running on the IP adsress of your raspberry PI. Make sure it is a static IP address.

For configuration of Jellyfin look here:

start, stop or restart the jellyfin server

in a terminal on the raspberry PI enter:

sudo service jellyfin status

(Enter CTRL - C to end the status)

sudo systemctl stop jellyfin

to stop the server

sudo service jellyfin status

to check the status again (CTRL C to end)

sudo systemctl start jellyfin

to start the server

sudo service jellyfin status

to check the status again (CTRL C to end)

sudo systemctl restart jellyfin

to restart the server

Jellyfin on the QNAP NAS

A french developer has made a Jellyfin server for intel based QNAP nas systems.

A repository to use on the QNAP is found here:

You can ease installation of updates by adding his repositories on your QNAP settings.

There are two repositories :

(note: in both cases, the applications are not always field tested)

In the Settings of the AppCenter on your QNAP, Add the wanted store url defined above:

After that you can install Jellyfin for free.

The QNAPclub store also offers a Jellyfin server for €5,=. You should not use that version.

To use plugins read here