Wireless airplane hardwareswitch

On my HP compaq nx6110 laptop there is a wifi hardwareswitch to turn on and off the build in wireless adapter. It works like a charm. But one time I was playing in the networksettings and I turned on airplane mode. Don´t ever do that unless you're excactly knowing what you're doing.

I couldn´t turn it on again. Not in Ubuntu and not in windows.

After some googling around I found these solution:

The adapter is hardware blocked and the airplane mode button in networking isn´t working.

sudo rfkill list all

shows that.

Open up a terminal:

give these commands (in bold):

precise@HP-Compaq-12:~$ sudo rfkill list all

0: hp-wifi: Wireless LAN

Soft blocked: no

Hard blocked: yes

1: phy0: Wireless LAN

Soft blocked: no

Hard blocked: yes

precise@HP-Compaq-12:~$ sudo rfkill unblock wifi

now press the wifi button, then enter:

precise@HP-Compaq-12:~$ sudo rfkill list all

0: hp-wifi: Wireless LAN

Soft blocked: no

Hard blocked: no

1: phy0: Wireless LAN

Soft blocked: no

Hard blocked: no


Wifi should be working again.

Another command a websites suggested me was thise one. It might work for other laptops:

sudo ifconfig wlan0 up