Install kernel 5 in Ubuntu 18.04

You can opt into the hardware enablement update if you like. LTS releases are supposed to be rock solid and not change much so Ubuntu won’t automatically install it for you. That said, we expect things will perform fine on almost all systems out there.

To install Linux 5.0 along with the new X server and graphics drivers, launch a terminal and run the following command. You can just copy-paste it into the terminal and press Enter:

sudo apt install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-18.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04

Enter your password when prompted and type “y” to confirm when required. Ubuntu will update to the latest system with the latest hardware enablement stack.

You’ll have to reboot your system to install the new kernel. After you do, a quick uname -r or uname -a command will show the version of Linux you’re running: Linux 5.0.