Redefine Ubuntu keyboard

An interesting weblog about redefining the keyboard lay-out is found here:

Keyboardlayout or a copy is found here

In short you should do the following:

These python UI binding packages should be pre-installed on your Ubuntu system: Cairo, Pango, GObject, lxml

Get the latest version of the Keyboard Layout Editor from (download the .zip file)

Now enter a terminal in the folder were you downloaded and extracted these files

install java, git and charmap picker:

sudo apt install gucharmap openjdk-11-jre git python-gtk2 python-lxml

install the rest:

git clone

cd keyboardlayouteditor/

sudo apt-get install python-pip

sudo pip install


java -classpath antlr-3.1.2.jar org.antlr.Tool *.g

now start the keyboard lay-out editor from the terminal


and follow the manual Keyboardlayout or a copy is found here