Convert audio

Flac or ape isn't usually palayble on a MP3player. It would be very nice to be able to convert these formats to a more convenient format like ogg or mp3. In Ubuntu that's done with an easy tool called soundconverter.

install it from the ubuntu softwarecenter or use the terminal:

sudo apt-get install soundconverter

If all codecs are allready installed the software should work out of the box.

Start the program from the dash.

First go to the edit menu and select settings or whatever it is called in your localisation.

Select the destination folder.

Now you're ready to convert.

Select the folder where all files you want to convert are. Add these folder. (All contents are converted as long as it are music files.)

and press run.

Now take a cupper and after a while enjoy your files on your mp3 player.