Harry Potter Minute

In 2018, I joined the Harry Potter Lexicon's new podcast, Harry Potter Minute, where I talk briefly about cool little things in the canon. You will be able to find all the episodes I'm on at this link, but below is a handy list of episodes with descriptions.

Who Can Take Away Points? - revisits the inconsistencies of prefects' powers at Hogwarts

Last Names - talks about two instances of seemingly unrelated characters sharing a last name

Evans - revisits the Mark Evans debacle

The Twins' O.W.L.s - which classes did Fred and George excel in?

Tina and the Elder Wand - discusses a hidden bit of evidence for why Tina cannot be the wand's current master in Fantastic Beasts

Pince and Prince - dives into the old fan theory that Irma Pince and Eileen Prince are the same person