The Potter Way

When I turn the pages,

The real world goes away.

I could gush for ages

And still have more to say.

I grew up with Harry,

My generation did too.

He can make my world less scary

When I’m feeling blue.

I love these stories,

These seven books all filled with wonder,

A magic world where the impossible

Became the everyday.

I'll find my own broomstick

And some Snitches to chase after.

Quidditch, that is the Potter way!

So much behind a cover,

I do wish all the time

I could live inside the pages,

Living every line.

I would save the dragon

That Hagrid somehow found.

And I smile, yes I smile,

As Rowling’s words astound.

Stories and stories

'Bout mermaids, elves,

And Diagon Alley,

A magic world where the impossible

Became the everyday.

I knew I’d be a wreck

When I read the grand finale,

Crying through it is the Potter way.

Stories 'bout heroes

Who overcame their deepest sorrow,

They put hope into my heart again

I'll cherish every day.

Harry made a better world,

Gave me strength to face tomorrow,

Showed me that love will win the day...

The Potter way.