
I sit and watch her son,

Harry is living proof that James won...

I spy and spy and spy.

And all while trying not to die…

I think of her,

How we were,

And when I think of her,

Then I remember...


In his eyes I can see

The echo of Lily.

In his eyes I see my old foe,

And how I lost her long ago.

Potter took her, he stole her heart,

James’s antics tore us apart!

I’m looking in his eyes,

He’ll be his father tomorrow

By looking in his eyes,

I can’t see beyond the sorrow

That I feel.

Harry’s eyes reveal to me

How Lily’s hate gave rise

To love for he who’d steal from me

This ultimate prize!

Harry’s a little James

With her eyes!

My dreams went up in flames

With her eyes!

Dumbledore still claims

The boy’d surprise me!

No goodbyes,

No farewells and such,

Nothing at all...

I recall

No goodbyes,

Just life losing so much

On the day Lily dies!

Her son is worth forgiving for!

Now I realize

All my life’s worth living for

Is there, in his eyes!

Lily is worth forgiving for!

Now I realize…

All my life’s worth living for

Is there, in his eyes!