Types of commercial advertising

Presented by Dina Viktorovna Polyakova

Виды рекламы. Этические аспекты рекламы.

Тема «Виды рекламы»


Commercial advertising is a powerful promotional means used to convince people that the product of a certain trade mark is useful, necessary and of a higher quality if compared to what is offered by the competition. In order to win people's choice, the product is carefully presented so that to excite the unconscious desires of the consumers, for example, to be beautiful and attractive, young and dynamic. There is a specific language used to advertise a product. and have a strong communicative efficiency. Advertising messages usually contain slogans and a text. to inform about the quality of the product. Colours must catch people's attention, having a symbolic meaning. So white conveys the idea of hygiene, purity, cleanliness. Green conveys the idea of what is natural and fresh and together with blue it suggests healthy life in the open spaces. Red pushes people to action. Yellow reminding the sun and  the gold conveys the idea of wealth, elegance and refinement.  Black is used to advertise precious and elegant objects. Grey and brown are background colours used to put other colours into evidence

There exist three kinds of advertising: 1. Informative advertising – used to give potential customers details about the new product. 2. Persuasive advertising, more emotional than the informative one - used to compete with the products of rival Companies. 3. Reminder advertising  - used to remind existing customers about a product.  

Language mixing in advertising, particularly with the English language, has been a widely researched area. English is generally used to connote products with a cosmopolitan, international, modern and ‘cool’ hue, and is increasingly mixed with local languages, Russian included. The findings suggest that English occurs frequently in print adverts addressed  to Russian readers/consumers. Slogans and headlines still represent the main areas where English is employed as an authoritative, dominant voice.Russian TV commercials are under the influence of Western advertising discourse too. Three fourths of commercials shown on Russian TV during the last five years employ a bilingual mix. English is present in abundance in brand name, name of the company, logo, wrapper, and attention-getter. The English usage in commercials is explained by functional, social, and psychological reasons: English serves as an external code to attract the attention of the customers, as a source of cross-cultural creativity and as a marker of Westernization, internationalism, modernization, innovation, and prestige in Russian society.

Задание 1.:  ответьте на вопросы

1.    What is commercial advertising?

2.    What are the basic groups of the commercial advertising?

3.    What is a persuasive advertising?

4.    What is the kind of language employ in many Russian TV commercials?

5.    What is the symbolic meaning of the yellow colour in commercial advertising?

6.    What is the reason of English in Russian TV commercial advertising?

7.    What is a second reason of this usage the remind advertising?

8.    What  is the main area where English is employed?


Задание 2.: переведите на английский язык:

1.     Информативная реклама - используется, чтобы дать потенциальным клиентам подробную информацию о новом продукте.

2.   Рекламные сообщения обычно содержат лозунги и текст, чтобы сообщить о качестве продукта.

3.  Существует определенный язык, используемый для рекламы продукта и имеющий сильную коммуникативную эффективность

4.     Лозунги и заголовки по-прежнему представляют собой основные направления, где английский язык используется в качестве авторитетного и доминирующего.

5. Использование английского языка в рекламных роликах объясняется функциональными, социальными и психологическими причинами: английский служит в качестве внешнего кода, чтобы привлечь внимание клиентов, в качестве источника кросс-культурного творчества и как маркер вестернизации, интернационализма, модернизации, инновации и авторитета в российском обществе.

Эталон ответов

Задание 1.

1.    Commercial advertising is a promotional means used to convince people

2.    Commercial advertising  can be divided into three specific basic groups: Informative, Persuasive, Reminder Advertising.

3.    Persuasive advertising, which is more emotional than the Informative one, is used to compete with the products of rival Companies.

4.    The language employed  in three fourths of the commercial advertising shown in Russian Tv is a bilingual mix Russian-English.

5.    Yellow colour in commercial advertising conveys the idea of wealth, elegance and refinement because it reminds the sun and the gold.

6.    The English usage in Russian commercial advertising is explained by functional and psychological reason: English serves to attract the attention of the Russian customers.

7.    The bilingual mix Russian-English also represents a source of  cross-cultural creativity and a  concrete marker of Westernization and prestige in Russian new society.

8.    Slogans and headlines represent the main area where  English is employed as a dominant voice  of Russian Tv.

Задание 2.

1. Informative advertising – used to give potential customers details about the new product.

2.  Advertising messages usually contain slogans and a text  to inform about the quality of the product.

3. There is a specific language used to advertise a product. and have a strong communicative efficiency.

4.  Slogans and headlines still represent the main areas where English is employed as an authoritative, dominant voice.

5. The English usage in commercials is explained by functional, social, and psychological reasons: English serves as an external code to attract the attention of the customers, as a source of cross-cultural creativity and as a marker of Westernization, internationalism, modernization, innovation, and prestige in Russian society.

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всего______ часа 45мин.

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