Trans Siberian Railway

Travelling with Trans-Siberian and Trans-Mongolian Railways represents a safe, comfortable and affordable cultural experience that, at least once, everyone should join in his life. 

Here are some travel itineraries:

Moscow to Vladivostok:  Every second day, the Rossiya (the Russian train number 2, eastward, train number 1, westward) leaves Moscow on its 6-night journey to Vladivostok. 

This train has two 1st class sleeping carriage, called “spalnyj vagon” or SV, four 2nd  class sleeping carriages called “kupé”, and some open-plan bunks called “platzkartnyj”as well as a refined restaurant wagon.  

Two routes to China: Although the main Trans-Siberian line runs from Moscow to Vladivostok, most western travelers head for China on one of two lines, the Trans-Mongolian (completed in the 1950s) or the Trans-Manchurian (built around 1900).

There are two direct trains each week between Moscow & Beijing, train numbers 3/4 via Mongolia using Chinese coaches and train numbers 19/20 Vostok via Manchuria using Russian coaches.

Moscow to Beijing via Mongolia: This is undoubtedly the most interesting Trans-Siberian route. The weekly Trans-Mongolian train (train number 4, eastward, train number 3, westward) leaves Moscow to Beijing every Tuesday night. The 7,621 km (4,735 miles) journey takes 6 nights. 

This train crosses Siberia, cuts across Mongolia and the Gobi desert, then enters China westbound, and it leaves Beijing every Wednesday morning.  This train uses Chinese rolling stock and has two deluxe sleeping carriages (with shared shower), four 1st class sleeping carriages, as well as four 2nd class sleeping carriages. 

Moscow to Beijing via Manchuria: The weekly Trans Manchurian train (both Vostok, the train number 20, eastbound, and the train 19, westbound, use Russian rolling stock) leaves Moscow on Saturday nights for Beijing via Manchuria, taking just over six days to cover the 8,986 km (5,623 miles). Westbound train leaves Beijing every Saturday night. There are two 1st class sleeping carriages (spalnyj vagon) and  four 2nd class sleeping carriages (kupé). 

Other Trans-Siberian trains: These aren't the only Trans-Siberian trains. Many other trains run over parts of these routes.


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