GESS DadsforLife 5 Nov 2011 (Conversation: Father and Child) & Dialogue in the Dark

9 Questions for a Child to ask Father:

1. What did you enjoy most about being a dad? Least?

2. Are there things you wish you had done differently as a father?

3. In what ways are we alike and in what ways are we different?

4. Why did you marry my mother?

5. Is there anything you ever wanted to tell us (me) but have not?

6. What is the secret to raising good kids?

7. Is there anything you regret not having asked your parents (my grandparents)?

8. Do you think today’s fathers have it harder, easier or just different?

9. What do you want to make sure that my children and grandchildren will remember about you?

10 Questions for a Dad to Ask His Child:

1. When are you the happiest in your life? Tell me more about that.

2. When are you the most proud of yourself? The most satisfied? Tell me more about that.

3. What do you wish we had more ability or time to do together? Tell me more about that.

4. What do you wish you had more ability or time to do for yourself? Tell me more about that.

5. What do you wish I had more ability or time to do for myself? Tell me more about that.

6. What is your biggest complaint about me? Tell me more about that.

7. What is your favorite thing about our relationship? Tell me more about that.

8. What’s the most important thing that you think we should be talking about that we haven’t been talking about—or else are not talking about enough? Tell me more about that.

9. If you could stop doing something right now, what would it be? Tell me more about that.

10. If you could start doing something right now, what would it be? Tell me more about that.


Dialogue in the Dark (DID)