Fathering & PSLE

What do you tell your child after the PSLE results are given? What can I do as a father? What if I feel that my child should have done better? Should I have pushed my child harder? Did I do enough to help my child in his/her PSLE? With the new PSLE scoring system in 2020, what can I do as a father after seeing his/her PSLE result.? These could be some thoughts that could be running through the mind of a father.

Do read the reflections of a child that has grown up. He reflects on the eight tactics his Dad employed on him.

1. Acknowledge that education is important

2. Inculcate a sense of purpose

3. Get the right incentives right

4. Deal with failure and success

5. Fulfil the child’s potential

6. Balance- beyond academics

7. Small things aren’t small

8. Communicate and keep track

Interesting read - how you can help your child to face the many battles -PSLE to ......... all the way .................
