Aquarium Visit Sentosa Resorts World 16 May 2015

Against the backdrop of a replica of Admiral Zheng He's treasure ship, 30 pairs of father-child gathered to take a picture at the start of a visit to the SE Asia Aquarium at Sentosa Resorts World. There was laughter and bantering amongst the fathers with their children. Some were more quiet but all were looking forward to spending time with their child as they embark on the tour around the massive aquarium.

The event which took place on 16 May 2015 was organized under the Fathers@GESS umbrella of GESS PTA, led by Mr Terence Kok, the President of the PTA. Terence was there with his son, Clemen. "I am glad that fathers and their children are enjoying the time spent together this Saturday afternoon. This provides an opportunity for fathers to bond with their child, and to better understand them. I am sure the children are equally thrilled that their father had set aside time to spend it just with them.", said Terence.

The GESS Fathers@School committee hopes to promote awareness, and to inspire and urge all fathers to play a more active role in their children’s lives. The committee organizes events that provide such opportunities such as indoor air rifle shooting, laser tag games, fishing trips etc. to encourage fathers to be involved in their children’s school lives as that can generate significant influence and impact on their children.

As a busy working father, taking the extra effort to bond with our child is needed. Sharing a word of encouragement, providing practical help, getting to better understand your child and spending quality bonding time with your child – these are some ways a father can connect with his child.