Air Weapon Shooting @ Safra Yishun Country Club on 17 May 2014 Saturday

GESS-PTA through the Family Matters@School for Father programme under the Dads for Life movement is organizing an Air Rifle Shooting Event on 17 May 2014 Saturday from 3.00pm to 5.30pm at SAFRA Yishun Country Club. The event programme as below:

Our objective is to promote awareness, inspiring and urging all fathers to play a more active role in their children’s lives. Fathers’ involvement in their children’s school lives can generate significant influence and impact on their lives. Dads for Life mission are to “inspire, mobilize and involve fathers to become good influencers in their children’s lives for life”.

We are all fathers busy with works but taking the extra effort to spend time to enhance the bonding between a father and child can come from all of us and can be one of the most fulfilling experiences a father will get.

With this event, the father and child get to spend quality time bonding and having the opportunity for fathers to demonstrate and guide their child, drawing experience from their time during their National Service. You and your child may generate memorable experiences during this session.

Photos taken during the event:

30 pairs of Father-Child signed up and attended the event