DadsforLife's Room Raider Father-Child Bonding 4 June 2016

DadsforLife's Room Raider Father-Child Bonding Activity by GESS PTA

The GESS PTA organised and invited fathers to join their child for a fun-filled bonding activity at Room Raider on 4 June 2016 afternoon. Led by the GESS PTA President and Ex-Gessian himself, Mr Terence Kok, his son, Clemen, was the first to sign up. Terence and Clemen certainly believe in leading by example.

11 pairs of father-child signed up for the event. “Room Raider” with one of their largest facility in Singapore and conveniently located in Orchard Central offered 6 exciting game rooms that the father and child had to 'escape' from through solving puzzles and uncovering secrets and mysteries. The games are designed to test logical thinking, observation skills and decision-making abilities and provide ample opportunities for father and child to communicate and work together. The activity was a huge success with many commenting how fun and challenging the games were. We received numerous thank you messages from fathers who said they had a great time with their child. Overheard in many conversations were praises father had for their child and vice versa on how quick thinking or clever they had been in solving the puzzle. The activity has certainly helped to build strong bonds and sweet memories for the participants.