Devil's Gate
In my last review I wrote about a "gift box" from George Miller containing 4 IPP competition puzzles. After TAXI I could now solve the second one from this delivery --> DEVIL'S GATE. It is a design from Ferdinand Lammertink and was produced by George Miller. Ferdinand entered IPP 2009 with this brain teaser.
The goal of this puzzle is to put all 15 gates into the given grid , however, the gate pieces have different width and height which makes it quite difficult to find one of the possible solutions (I think this specific grid with 5 x 6 "holes" has 1347 solutions to this problem which is supposed to be a two dimensional version of the Langford issue). It took me about half an hour to find one of the solutions and it is really tricky. A few times I ended up with just one piece in my hand and it was impossible to place it in the grid. From a difficulty point of view I would rate it a 5 or 6 out of 10.
This puzzle is unfortunately no longer widely available since George's homepage PuzzlePalace is only running to share information about puzzles he created and/or produced for others. If you see it in a puzzle auction do not hesitate and buy it. It is really a nice idea and you will most probably need some time to solve it.