

There are several stories and family rumours about the lineage of George Witney. Please find below different family stories about this.

A summary of the story is that George Witney was the legitamate son of King William IV.

If there was no legimate male heir from King William, his death would separate the joint rule of England and Hanover. In Hanover, Salic law would not allow a woman to ascend to the throne, whilst in this was not practiced in England. With no male heir, his neice Victoria would ascend the throne of England.

The story goes that a son was born to King William IV, but due a conspiracy to separate the rule of Hanover and England, and therefore to protect Georges life, he was smuggled to the head gardener (Daniel Witney) of Frogmor Estate (part of Windsor estate) and was passed off as his son. Daniels wife gave birth to another son at around the same time (Henry) and so they were passed off as twins.

As George grew older he was educated with Princess Alexandrina Victoria, became a royal page, and there is even stories of him being dressed as a girl to avoid any suspician (due to the similarity of looks). Over time he married Lucy Ellis (who was also in the court) and had several children with her.

The story goes that after Queen Adelaides death George became aware of his inheritance, and himself, Lucy and their family went on the Castle Eden to New Zealand. The story goes that there were two guards that went with them (one being Lord Halifax/Charles Wood) to ensure that they went and stayed away. A 'relic' was given to George (that of an anchor with a shield on it with 3 lions) so that if he came back he would be able to verify who he was (King William IV was known as the Sailor King).

Pictures of the Relic

Family History of Sarah Witney Winnie including the conspirancy: Link

Family History of William Worley and Sarah Witney: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4.