YouTube Videos for the Corporate Governance course

YouTube contains millions of videos on everything. Many videos treat economics and finance topics. The Teaching notes contain the link to some YouTube videos that allow students to put theory into practice, giving an in-depth of the arguments treated in the Chapters through some selected examples that are useful for the learning. Moreover at least one question of the written exam will be on the content of the YouTube videos to study

Extract from the Teaching notes: Example of links to YouTube videos

Following the link to some videos contained in the teaching notes.

Pre-course videos

Corporate performance

Corporate governance failure

The actors of corporate governance

Introduction to corporate governance

Type of business entities

Corporate structure

Board of directors


Chief Executive Officer

Ownership and control


Business Groups and their ultimate controlling party

Business groups

The Corporate Governance systems

Shareholder theory, agency theory, stewardship theory

Stakeholder theory, team production theory, corporate social responsibility and business ethics

Related party transactions

Other Videos