Multilingual Materials
In the subpages here we collect rewritings, and associated information, while we plan how to build the database, and ways of analysing and visualising the data.
Do you have a translation on your shelf? If not...
At WorldCat you can enter 'Othello' as a keyword and choose your language (in Advanced Search). With directions to the nearest library holding.
Open Library lists 375 editions of Othello so far (May 2011), starting with a 1935 Yiddish edition (trans Y Goldberg).
UNESCO's Index Translationum has 198 titles with 'Author = Shakespeare' and 'Title contains Othello' (at April 2011). The first 30 listed (by date) are in 13 languages.
See Index Trans statistics for Othello here. See also Links.
For beginners, Englishes might be the best place to start.