

May 18: Robin Turner (Wales Online): 'Welsh scientists use Shakespeare to unlock the true art of translation' [online story]

May 19: Robin Turner (Western Mail): 'How Shakespeare is helping to show how world cultures differ' [variant print version, pdf attached below]

Sept 12: anon (South Wales Evening Post): 'Researchers' translation boost' [online story]

Sept 13: Nick Dermody (BBC Wales Online), 'World writings compared by Swansea University web tool' (online story)

This story also ran on BBC News Technology, on BristolWired, on GlasgowWired, and was flagged by NewsTech24

Sept 13: Olivia Solon (, ''Linguistics tool simultaneously compares multiple translations of Othello' (online story)

Flagged or run by Global / Business Perspectives, Fragmentary Texts blog

Sept 19: Alison Kroulek, 'New Tool Compares Translations', K-International Blog

Oct 13: BJ Epstein, "Delighted Beauty: An Interview with Tom Cheesman", Brave New Words blog