Урок в 8 классе по теме «Развитие навыков устной речи по теме «Школа»


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся



I.Этап мотивации к деятельности.

Приветствует обучающихся по-английски

Good morning! I’m glad to see you.

I’ve got an advertisement for you

If you want to know the systems of education of Great Britain and the USA, if you want to become an expert on the theme “Education”, choose ourEducational Course.

What must a person know to become an expert?

Teacher: Ok. You are right. It all will be at our course.

Let’s begin our course. You’ll have to open six doors – to do 6 tasks. And then you’ll become experts. Here are your record books. (ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2)

You’ll get the Certificate when you get 6 keys.

Читают рекламу


Отвечают на вопрос учителя

Pupils’ answers:

1. We must know topical vocabulary.

2. We have to answer questions about school?

3. We must know different types of school.

Получают зачётки

2 мин

Включение учащихся в режим работы.

Подготовка учащихся к формулированию целей урока, к этапу целеполагания.

Учатся определять познавательную цель и конкретизировать задачи.

II. Этап актуализации знаний и пробного учебного действия.

Now let’s open the first door.

Topical Vocabulary

Is it important to know topical vocabulary?

Give it a name:

1. a highly prestigious private fee-paying boarding school for pupils aged 13-18 in Britain;


2. a usual term to describe a state secondary school in the USA; A PUBLIC SCHOOL

3. to go on short pleasure trips for a group of people; TO GO ON OUTING

4. a pupil of the first form in Britain (in the USA); A FIRST FORMER

5. a school at which pupils live as well as study;


6. any room in a school where teaching is done;


7. schools for children who have a disability of mind or body, where they are given special help; SPECIAL SCHOOL

8. an exam taken at the age of 16 in British comprehensive schools; GCSE EXAM

9. a period of time when schoolchildren can play or talk; A BREAK

10. a place in a school where meals are provided; A CANTEEN

11. education or training at universities, colleges and polytechnics; A HIGER EDUCATION

12. exams taken at the age of 18 in British schools; A LEVEL EXAM

13. a secondary school in Russia where English is taught at an advanced level;


You get the first key.

(учитель ставит в зачётку штампик в виде ключа)

III. Now let’s open the second door answering the questions

Отвечают на вопросы, повторяют лексику по теме


Учащиеся работают по цепочке, используя беспроводную мышь.


Отвечают на вопросы, мотивируются на учебную деятельность.


Учащиеся работают с беспроводной мышью.

Примерные ответы:

1. Our school is not rather big, there are about 800 pupils.

5 мин

5 мин

Активизация лексики по теме.

Адекватно используют речевые средства.

Умение применять полученные знания при ответах на вопросы.

Развитие навыков устной речи по теме.

1. Is yours a big school? How many pupils has it got?

2. Is it a state or an independent school?

3. Do your parents have to pay fees?

4. Does your school specialize in a certain subject or subjects?

5. Does your school se­lect prospective pupils or does it take any children?

6. How many lessons do you usually have?

7. What after-school activities do you have?

8. How big is your school building? Does it look attractive?

9. What is there in your school building?

10. Where is the school situated? How do the school grounds look?

11. What improvements would you like to make in your school?

12. What is your favourite subject? Why?

You were able to answer the questions. And you get your first key.

2. It is a state school?

3. No, they don’t. My parents don’t have to pay fees?

4. Our school specializes in humanitarian subjects, such as History, Literature and Social Studies.

5. Our school can se­lect prospective pupils and can take any children from the nearest houses.

6. We usually have 6 lessons every day.

7. We have such after-school activities as dancing club, volleyball, athletics and some others.

8. Our school building is rather big, it has 3 floors.

9. There are 60 classrooms in it including physical and chemical laboratories, linguistic laboratory and 2 gyms.

10. Our school is situated in the center of the town. Our school grounds look very nice.

11. The building of our school is rather old and the windows of it are old, too. So we need new plastic windows.

12. My favourite subject is ……

You get the second key.

III. Этап применения полученных знаний.

IV. Educational System in Great Britain

To become an expert you should know Educational System in Great Britain.

Заполняют схему


Один из учеников выполняет это задание на магнитной доске.

Обмениваются карточками с заполненной схемой, проверяют работу соседа.

Примерный ответ

The Education System in Great Britain.

Nursery Education (under 5 years)

Children do not have to go to school until they reach the age of five, but there is some free nursery-school education before that age.

Primary education takes place in infant schools (pupils aged from 5 to 7 years) and junior schools (from 8 to 11 years).

Secondary schools are usually much larger than primary schools and most children — over 80 per cent — go to a comprehensive school at the age of 11. These schools are not selective — you don't, have to pass an exam to go there.

Some parents choose to pay for private education. These schools are very expensive and they are attended by about 5 per cent of the school population.

At the age of 14 or 15 pupils begin to choose their exam subjects for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE).

Then pupils may go into the sixth form or go to a College.

Many people decide to leave school at the age of 16 and go to a Further Education (FE) College.

Here most of the courses are linked to some kind of practical vocational training, for example in engineering, typing, cooking or hairdressing.

Higher education in Universities is quite expensive

Поют песенку и выполняют разминку


Hi! I’m DJ Mix!

Let’s dance together. I have a disk.

No disk – no problem!

For this you have a book.

Where are your books? Take it!

Listen, dance and look.

Common! You like it. – OK

New set

To the right

Dance to right.

And head (2 times)

OK, now left

To the left

Dance to left

And head (2 times)

A new idea

Ha! Aha! Common!

OK, now left

Common! Aha!

Relax! Touch the sky!





Pulsate in rhythm (2 times)

It’s good for you!

It’s good for me!

It’s good for us!





I think pupils should obey any rules at school.


Примерные ответы

1. Pupils must wear school uniform.

2. They mustn’t talk during the lessons.

3. They mustn’t play mobile phones during the lessons.

4. They mustn’t run in the corridor.

5. They mustn’t eat during the lessons.

6. They must do their homework.

7. They mustn’t sleep during the lessons.

8. They must be ready for the lessons.

9. They mustn’t be late.

10. They must wear indoor shoes.

11. Pupils must respect teachers.

12. They must be polite.

7 мин

3 мин

6 мин

Умение систематизировать, используя полученные знания.

Умение озвучивать составленную схему.

Развитие умений оценивать результаты проделанной работы, осуществлять самоконтроль.

Развитие фонематического слуха

Развитие умений применять полученную информацию, умение работать в группе, умение представить результат работы.


Организует взаимопроверку

Give your card to your right neighbor.

If the work is done right, you’ll get the third key.

V. Break

Организует динамическую паузу


What do you like best of all at school? What do you usually do during the break?

Can you dance? Ok? Let’s have a break.

VI. School Rules

Do you think pupils should obey any rules at school?

What rules should they obey?

Now let’s divide into two groups and you

Деление на группы осуществляется при помощи «magic sticks». У каждого ученика есть свой номер по списку, на палочках тоже есть номера. Учитель вытаскивает 4 палочки – первая группа, затем ещё 4 – вторая группа. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 7

You get the fourth key.

IV. Этап работы с самопроверкой по эталону

VII. Lecture

Today we have a special guest. She is an expert of Educational system of the USA, as she studied their last year. You’ll listen to her story and then answer some questions. This card will help you.

VII. Educational System in the USA. Test

Организует тестирование в системе PROclass

You get the fifth key.

Слушают мини лекцию


Делают тест в системе PROclass.


The System of Education in the USA

1. How many grades are there in American High School? A. 9 B. 10 C. 13 D. 12

2. How are the students of the 12th grade called? A. sophomores B. freshmen C. juniors D. seniors

3. Which sport is one of the most popular? A. tennis B. golf C. football D. baseball

4. How is class where students learn music and then perform on stage called?

A. Jazz band B. Music class C. it has no name D. after school music club

5. What is the highest grade in American High School? A. A+ B. A C.5 D. 12

6. What do students get for being late to class? A. pass B. tardy C. bill D. nothing

7. Where can students see their grades? (marks and answers)

A. counselor’s office B. special website C. progressive report D. teacher’s notebook

8. How is the head of each class called?

A. counselor B. class president C. class secretary D. principal

9. How is a special teacher supervising a class called?

A. counselor B. class president C. class secretary D. principal

7 мин

5 мин

Развитие фонематического слуха.

Развитие умения извлекать необходимую информацию из услышанного.

Развитие умений применять полученную информацию, активизация изученного страноведческого материала.

V. Этап рефлексии деятельности на уроке.

VIII. Подведение итогов

Teacher: Are you ready to be an expert? How many keys have you got?

Today you’ve got …. marks.

The lesson is over, thank you. Good-bye.

Оценивают свою работу на уроке, определяют степень своей готовности быть экспертом. Для этой целью учащиеся

используют систему голосования PROclass

Pupils: I have learnt topical vocabulary, Educational System in Great Britain, I could answer questions, I’ve listen to the Lecture “Educational System in the USA” But to become an expert I should learn ………………. “Educational System in the USA”

Учащиеся получают домашнее задание “Educational System in the USA”

Учащиеся получают оценки по результатам выполненных заданий. (по количеству заработанных ключей)

5 мин

Развитие умений самооценки, оценивания достигнутых результатов.

Формирование умения определять направление дальнейшей работы в зависимости от уровня, достигнутого на уроке.

Видеофрагмент урока