Мероприятие «Stress Free «(Жизнь без стрессов)

I. Teacher: Good morning! I’m glad to see you. I’d like to show you video. Watch and guess what we are going to speak about. (ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 1)

Pupil: ......................................................................

Teacher: Right! We are going to speak about stress and how to take life easy. So I invite you to our Orange Life Center. Now I am not only your teacher, I’m the top manager of Orange Life Center. The motto of our center is “Stress Free. Take Life Easy!” In our Orange Life Center there are a lot of zones. You all have a plan of our center (ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2) and some orange stickers. Please attach them to the plan when we’ve visited this zone.

II. Analytical Zone

Almost everybody has some problems. Our Orange Life Center tries to listen to people and help them. Now you’ll try to work our volunteers.

So we begin our tour with Analytical Zone. Slogan of this zone is Be creative!

Let’s listen and check. (ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 3)


A. I don't have enough time to talk with my friends, watch TV or simply sit around and do nothing. I’m always studying, practising the guitar or doing sports. Help!

B. My brother and I are always fighting about silly things and I always get the blame while Sam gets away with everything. What should I do?

C. A new girl has come to our school. She's pretty and all my mate say she's a snob. They're spreading all kinds of rumours about her and no one will talk to her now. I think that's unfair. How can I help her?

1. People like to gossip. Most of the time it is harmless, but if can also be hurtful. Break the chain! Don't spread gossip. Just say to your mates that you are not interested in mean gossip. Don't believe everything you hear. Introduce yourself, talk to her and form your own opinion.

2. Time management is the answer. Make a weekly planner, and separate the have-tos from the want-tos. Allow some want-tos in your daily timetable.

3. If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours! You can't always have it your way. Learn to co-operate.

So, we’ve analyzed 3 problems and the solutions. We can visit next zone. BUT! Attach a STICKER to your plan.

III. Dr. Orange Zone

Welcome to Dr. Orange Zone Slogans of this zone are Eat healthy food! Get enough sleep! Don’t forget to smile! (ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 4)

Dr. Orange: Hello! I’m Dr. Orange! I know recipes from pain and stress. Video examples of my practice

Patient 1: I have a backache.

Dr. Orange: Ah! I know such problem! You should get regular exercises. Fitness is life!

Patient 2: I have a headache.

Dr. Orange: Dr. Orange will help you! You should get enough sleep. Listen to beautiful music!

Patient 3: I have a toothache.

Dr. Orange: Listen to my advice! You shouldn’t eat too much ice cream. Don’t forget to smile!

Patient 4: I have sore eyes.

Dr. Orange: I see you spend too much time in front of the TV. You shouldn’t do it. Get enough sleep!

Patient 5: I have a sore throat.

Dr. Orange: You shouldn’t eat too much ice cream. Morning exercises – Healthy body – Healthy Mind!

Patient 6: I have an earache.

Dr. Orange: Oh, yeee! You should see a doctor. Don’t be afraid – Laugh at your problems!

Patient 7: I have a stomachache.

Dr. Orange: You shouldn’t eat sweets. Eat healthy food!

Dr. Orange works for you. My phone number is………

T – P: What should you do if you have a backache?

have a headache

have a stomachache

a toothache

have sore eyes

have a sore throat

have an earache

have a backache

! And what advice you would give instead of Dr. Orange (VIDEO) (ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 5)

Let’s check if you can be a doctor. Choose the answer and pass the mouse to your classmate.


If I have a backache……… I should get regular exercises.

If I have a headache ……… …. I should get enough sleep.

If I have a stomachache ……… I shouldn’t eat too much ice cream.

If I have a toothache ……… …. I shouldn’t eat too much ice cream.

If I have sore eyes……… I shouldn’t spend too much time in front of the TV.

If I have a sore throat……… I shouldn’t eat too much ice cream.

If I have an earache……… …. I should see a doctor.

If I have a backache……… I should get regular exercises.

We can visit next zone. BUT! Attach a STICKER to your plan.

IV. Welcome to Fitness Zone

Slogans of this zone are

Fitness is life! - Do you agree?

Morning exercises – Healthy body – Healthy Mind!

Listen to beautiful music!

Enjoy nature!

Managers of our Orange Life Center will help us. Will you stand up? (ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 7)

Hi! I’m DJ Mix!

Let’s dance together. I have a disk.

No disk – no problem!

For this you have a book.

Where are your books? Take it!

Listen, dance and look.

Common! You like it. – OK

New set

To the right

Dance to right.

And head (2 times)

OK, now left

To the left

Dance to left

And head (2 times)

A new idea

Ha! Aha! Common!

OK, now left

Common! Aha!

Relax! Touch the sky!





Pulsate in rhythm (2 times)

It’s good for you!

It’s good for me!

It’s good for us!





Train brains

Thank you, sit down. In this zone we train not only our bodies, but our brains too.


1. He had to stay in hospital for two weeks, so he fell ……with his lessons. (behind)

2. I’ve had this toy train since I was a child, but now it’s falling ….. . (apart)

3. She has fallen………John because he lied to her. (out with)

4. Our car is falling….. . We should replace it soon. (apart)

5. There’s something wrong with George. He’s falling …. with his work. (behind)

6. Have you fallen …….. Helen? She didn’t talk to you this morning. (out with)

7. There’s something wrong with Jane. She’s falling …. with her lessons. (behind)

8. Mary has fallen………Nick because he was rude to her. (out with)

9. We’ve had this table for twenty years, but now it’s falling ….. . (apart)

10. Have you fallen …….. Tom? He doesn’t call to you. (out with)

We can visit next zone. BUT! Attach a STICKER to your plan.

V. Welcome to Actual Problems Zone

Slogans of this zone are Don’t be afraid – Laugh at your problems! Think positive!

Managers of our Orange Life Center will help us. (ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 9)

Helen, 16: I find disagreeing with parents the most stressful.

Olga, 17: I think arguing with my friends is the most stressful.

Dr. Orange: I believe having a doctor’s appointment the most stressful.

DJ Mix: I find losing something valuable the most stressful.

Diana, 14: I think changing school is the most stressful.

Julia, 16: I believe moving house the most stressful.

Nastya, 17: I find sitting exams the most stressful.

Kirill, 13: I think practicing sport is the most stressful.

Dasha, 16: I believe having too much homework the most stressful.

Tigran, 18: I find throwing a party the most stressful.

Alex, 17: I think practising a musical instrument is the most stressful.

Teacher: Which of the following stresses you the most?

Pupil: ..........................................................................

Teacher: Do you think smiles can help you take life easy?

Pupil: .............................................................................

Find smiles.

Teacher: In the classroom there are some smiles. Look around and count them. Take one of them.

We can visit next zone. BUT! Attach a STICKER to your plan.

VI. Welcome to Co-operation Zone

Slogans of this zone are Respect each other! Find friends! Love your family! Learn to co-operate!

Now you have a chance to become volunteers of our Orange Life Center and to give some pieces of advice how to cope with stress and to take life easy.

If you’ve taken a green smile – come here, if you’ve taken an orange one – come here and If you’ve taken a pink smile – come here.

Discuss and write down your pieces of advice how to cope with stress and to take life easy.



learn to cooperate

make weekly planners

take it easy

ask for help

revise early for exams

get enough sleep


don’t believe everything you hear

don’t leave things to the last minute

don’t want it your way all the time

We can visit next zone. BUT! Attach a STICKER to your plan.

VII. Welcome to Stress Free Zone

Slogans of this zone are

Don’t worry! Be happy!

Relax! Life is wonderful!

Smile! Smile! Smile!

Have a hobby!

Take care of your pet!

Almost every person has a problem. Now write down your problem or problems and throw them out into the trash can. Instead of it choose the recommendation from our Orange Life Center. Don’t forget to attach a STICKER to your plan.

VIII. Our tour is over. You’ve become specialists in dealing with stress. At home you should ask your relatives about their problems, write them and your recommendations down. (ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 11)

Your homework is to follow the recommendations from our Orange Life Center.

Our Orange Life Center tour is over. We’ll be glad to see you in our Orange Life Center.

This souvenir is for you. (ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 12)

Say good – bye and wave the flags. (ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 13)