La Cagada Blanca

An albino dragonwrought kobold with the amphibious template from Stormwrack...

The legend of La Cagada Blanca

The exact origin of poor, wretched Cagada is unknown, some say he was eaten by a

diseased hill giant that couldn't digest his food properly, others tell of a mad

god playing in his own filth and giving it life. Whatever the truth is the poor

woeful creature is pitied and shunned by all, just like Wes is.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Happy Birthday Wes

Raised by a gaggle of kindly otyughs who liked the way he smelled, they vomited

up the undigested remains of their past victims in order to raise enough money

to send Cagada to a healer boarding school for girls. He didn't mind pretending

to be a female, he acted like one most of the time anyway. But he really missed

wearing his gimp suit and falling asleep in his mothers tentacles each night

before she tenderly locked him in his box...