
The town of North is carved into a hill beneath the ruins of an ancient city next to the Slager River. Under the town is a series of ancient catacombs where the honored dead of a race of bird men were interred long ago. Tengu pilgrims visit each year. 

The majority of the citizens live and work underground, only a small village sits atop the hill amidst the ruins of the ancient city.

In the evening when the sun is sinking low, the fog rolls in from the river and madmen begin screaming. Something hunts the surface ruins of North at night and only strangers and fools go into the streets after dark.

North (ruined city)

LN Small Town

Corruption -2; Crime +0; Economy -4; Law -6; Lore -2; Society +0

Qualities: holy site, insular, notorious

Danger +30; Disadvantages hunted


Government: Council of 6 family elders

Population 500 (300 nocturnal elves, 50 nocturnal gnomes, 100 arctic humans, 50 of other various races)

Notable NPCs

Duskwing family elder Dart Duskwing (LN male nocturnal elf rogue 8)

Burntfeather family elder Ill Burntfeather (LN male nocturnal elf rogue 7)

Nightskulk family elder Uncle Tongue-eater (CE male nocturnal elf bard 6)


Base Value 1,100 gp; Purchase Limit 7,500 gp; Spellcasting 6th

Minor Items all available; Medium Items 1; Major Items 0

North ruins at night CR 6

d% / Encounter / Avg. CR

1–4 an angry penguin 

5–8 thieving gnome / CR 5 

9–16  2d4 ratfolk

17–24  2d6 tengu pilgrims

25–28 2d6 cultists

29–76 1d6 citizens /CR varies (see the North Folk tables below)

77–84 1d6 wights /CR 6 pg 276 


87–92 2d6 tunnel goats / CR 7

93–94 friendly bear / CR 0

95–96 1 intellect devourer / CR 8

97–98 ancient citizen of the original city / CR 9

99–100  1 caller in darkness / CR 9

North Folk 

Table 1 Race (1d20)

1-2    Arctic Halfling (Table 2)

3-4    Arctic Dwarf (Table 2)

5-10  Arctic Human (Table 2)

11-13 Nocturnal Gnome (Table 2)

14-16 Nocturnal Elf (Table 2)

17-18 Xeph (Table 2)

19     Neanderthal (Table 2) 

20     Gillman (Table 2)

Table 2 Occupation (1d20)

1-3 Pilgrim (Table 4)

4 Farmer (Table 4)

5 Merchant (Table 4)

6 Hunter (Table 4)

7 Carpenter/Builder (Table 4)

8-12 Reindeer Herdsman or Miner (Table 4)

13 Food seller (Table 4)

14 Animal handler (Table 4)

15 Garment maker (Table 4)

16 Weapon maker/seller (Table 4)

17 Cook (Table 4)

18 Jeweler (Table 4)

19 Guard (Table 4)

20 Character class (Table 3)

Table 3 Character Class (1d20)

1-2 Barbarian (Table 4)

3-7 Fighter (Table 4)

8-10 Ranger (Table 4)

11 Druid (Table 4)

12-14 Psion (Table 4)

15-16 Cleric (Table 4)

17 Sorcerer (Table 4)

18 Wizard (Table 4)

19-20 Rogue (Table 4)

Table 4 NPC Motivation/Action (d%)

01-03 Wants to buy something

04-06 Wants to sell something

07 Pursuing someone/thing

08 Being pursued

09-11 Needs information

12-13 Lost

14 Bad intentions

15-16 Asks for help

17-19 Wants to be hired

20-21 Wants to hire someone

22 Involved in a fight

23-26 Idle conversation

27 Mistaken identity

28-29 Wants PCs opinion on some issue

30-31 Opinionated comments

32-33 Rude comments

34-37 Curiosity

38-39 Unexplained interest

40-43 Eating

44-47 Drinking

48-49 Hates a character class (Table 3)

50-52 Hates a race (Table 1)

53-56 Practicing a skill

57-61 Accidentally bumps into PCs

62-64 Crowd forces NPC and PCs together

65-66 Asks for a favor

67-69 Drunk

70-72 Wants PCs to settle dispute

73-75 Loud argument

76-77 Being chased/attacked by non-monstrous animal (cat, dog)

78-80 Knocked over by someone else

81-83 Sleeping in inappropriate place

84-86 Being hassled by guards

87-89 Looking for lost item

90-93 Doing job

94-96 Compliments PC for some reason

97-99 Having pocket picked

00 Attacks PC for no apparent reason

Notable Places





