Weekly Schedule:

Week of 5th - 9th October

Homework for Week of 5th October

Homework for week beginning Monday 5th October

1.Abairtí Ghaeilge!

5.An Deireadh Seachtaine Seo Caite

2. WOW Words Week 5:

Do you know how to put them all into sentences?

WWW5: Antonyms and Synonyms
wow words 5/10/20

3. Ready for your tables test? Test yourself here!


Take home the front sheet of your spellings this week so that you can nail your Friday test! Don't forget to use the visualising strategy! 😎

5. Activities to complete throughout the week!

You already have your booklet to complete for Friday 9th October. Please spend a minimum of 45 minutes on it per evening.

Other activities for this week include carrying out research for your Japan assignment due on 15th October:

Japan Factfile

All About Japan!

More Japanese Facts!

And more Japanese Facts!

Remember you can do your Japan project on Google Slides, Powerpoint, A4 paper booklet or A3 poster paper.

You can pick any topic from Japan that interests you e.g. the geography of Japan (4 major islands), famous Japanese buildings, Japanese food, sports, famous people, different Japanese technologies, the history of origami etc.

Or else you can choose to do a factfile on Japan.

Maybe you'd like to research the Japanese language and alphabet?

Or how about a series of procedures on Japanese recipes?

Or maybe you want to research all about the Japanese festivals and celebrations?

Maybe a historical project on the Samurai is what you want to complete?