Gifts of the Holy Spirit

In the reception of the sacrament of confirmation, the person receives the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, wisdom, understanding, right judgement, courage, knowledge, reverence and wonder anf awe in God's presence. These gifts are not to sit idle or be kept in storage. Rather, they are to be put to good use so they will bear much fruit.



Wisdom is the gift of learning from situations and life experiences. It is the ability to stand in other people’s shoes. It is the gift to look at life with a different perspective, the gospel perspective. It is about listening to the voice of the Spirit in our hearts and acting accordingly. A wise person is someone who knows who they are and what they are about. Someone balanced.


The ability to see both sides of the story, listen and understand the feelings of the other and not be influenced by prejudice. Understanding is the ability to give meaning to what we experience and learn.

Right Judgement

This gift is about making the right choice, according to Christian values. This may mean going against the flow: friends, the culture of the day etc. A person you’d turn to for advice, whose opinion you’d value and consider.


The gift of courage is the ability to stand on your own feet, to trust your own wisdom and values. It means having the ability to handle the right choices and accept the consequences. This is not easy when under pressure especially from friends and peers.


The gift of knowledge is the ability to reflect and act prudently. The person considers all aspects of information and is thoughtful and considerate in making decisions.


Reverence is the gift of having respect for life, for creation, the environment and all people, no matter their colour or creed. It also includes showing reverence for all things holy.

Wonder and Awe

The gift of wonder and awe is ability to appreciate and celebrate all that is good in oneself, others and creation. It is the gift that helps us see the work of God in the ordinary everyday things. It is an acknowledgement of the power of God working through our lives, the lives of others around us, and through creation.