Friday 12th March

Hello hardworking 6th Class!

It is difficult not to be constantly plugged into technology these days. As we have seen over the past 8 weeks, technology can have huge benefits in allowing us to continue our education as well as connect to each other via video conferencing, and of course, providing entertainment, it has been our lifeline during the bad weather and helped with our boredom!

But ahead of our return to face to face teaching on Monday, it's a good idea to step back from it today and take a digital detox day! Go on, challenge yourself to 24 hours without devices of any kind! Spend your day out in the fresh air (weather permitting!), being fit and active, cooking a nice meal, reading, doing mindfulness and meditation, doing some Art (Mother's Day is Sunday!), playing board games...... Go on - switch off and unwind for the day! Your mind and body both need it!

let me know on Monday how you got on with your challenge! I'm really looking forward to seeing you all!

Remember it's Mother's Day on Sunday so make sure to treat your moms to something nice!

Have a lovely and safe weekend!

See you Monday,

Ms. Spillane

Daily Schedule for Friday 12th March