
We were only in school for two weeks in March but it sure was a busy one!

Where do I even start?!!!

WEEK 1: St. Patrick's Day celebrations!

Covid Guidelines were adhered to at all times. Children brought in their own spoons and the lime was placed on a biscuit. The crisps were given out via plastic gloves. Food was placed on their lunch bag and put into their schoolbags after use.


To mark St. Patrick's Day Eve, we will taste some green foods on Tuesday afternoon!

Ever tried lime jelly? It's delicious!

What about shamrock infused crisps? Yum!

What other green foods will you try at home? Please don't say cucumber!!


In addition to our green foods test taste, 6th class studied Ireland as a theme over these two weeks learning all about the Easter Rising of 1916, the Burren and Cliffs of Moher, and of course Ms. Spillane's favourite..... the Skelligs!

Symbols and landmarks of Ireland in clay form!

Deireadh leis an Seachtain na Gaeilge agus PE le chéile!

Rinne na páistí páirt sa Tóraíocht Taisce as gaeilge! Bhí an spraoi againn! Féach ar na pictiúrí!

Week 2:

👉 Walk For Water Challenge!

👉 Ecolution Podcast participation!

👉 Mini Projects Presentation!

👉 Hosting an Easter Egg Whole School Competition!

👉 Mission Possible Video Entry!

6th Class Completed a Walk For Water to coincide with WORLD WATER DAY! They packed their bags as heavy as they could and completed three laps of the yard covering an area of over 600 metres..... it was some way off the 40 lbs weight and the 6km walk for water that people do daily in the Global South. In fact, after seeing our tired and weary bodies, it was hard to believe that we had only completed one twelfth of the journey that some people make.

RTE Jnr's Ecolution Podcast: 6th Class are radio stars!

6th Class had the honour of being asked to participate in a podcast for RTE Jnr.'s Ecolution programme. The topic was water and 6th class worked very hard on preparing topics to talk about on the podcast. Thanks to Ms. Ronan for recording us! Watch this space for news of when the podcast will go live!


In the midst of all the madness, 6th class completed not one but two projects based on their current theme - IRELAND and one that remained from their remote learning period - WORLD WAR II. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE IRELAND PROJECTS AND CLICK HERE TO SEE THE WORLD WAR II PROJECTS!

6th Class Hosted An Easter Egg Competition for the whole school!

Winners were announced on the Zoom assembly on Friday 26th March! The standards were so high and it was very hard to pick just one winner from each class! 6th Class made a classroom bunting for every class and sent back to the classroom :)

Congrats to every class winners ... well done to you all!

Congratulations to our Overall Junior Winner and our Overall Senior Winner!



You'll remember our Spreading a Kindness Pandemic video for our Christmas show, well now are you ready for the sequel?!! This time we challenged the whole school to get involved! Have a look to see how it went!

Bored over the Easter holidays?

Why not check out this fun Easter Around the World Resource pack from the guys at EPIC?

Easter Pack 2021 A4 Pack V5.pdf