Friday 15th May

Hello fabulous 6th!

It's Friday - you made it through the first week of online learning with flying colours!

Well done on a fantastic Art lesson yesterday, it was very enjoyable and big thanks to Aisling for all the work she put into it! If you want to try it again, you'll see we've a Draw With Aisling section and you'll find it in there! Click here to check it out! You'll also the fantastic self portraits some of you emailed to me! I sent you all a video on how to email that and lots more to me so make sure to check it out!

I'm really looking forward to the google meet at 1.30pm today. We'll do a quiz so bring a paper and a pencil because it may be a written one.

Remember the login code is the same for the whole class sessions and always will be - or use the code hqm-fmfh-dow if using a phone.

There's also a Maths Google meet with Ms. Desmond at 10am this morning - please log on ( the code is ) if you had difficulty with part 1 and 2 of pg. 130. Part 3 is explained below πŸ‘‡

Layla - top scorer on IXL yesterday with 91 questions and a combined smart score of 87! Maith thΓΊ!! πŸ₯³οΈ

The top of the IXL chart is heating up ! Remember the IXL weeks run from Sunday to Sunday so you'll find out on Monday who was the top 5 and the Dojo point earners!!

Please complete your FRIDAY TESTS today and don't forget to check your corrections from all your week's work, plus puzzles and dingbats too on the Friday Corrections Page

Work hard and stay safe,

Ms. Spillane

Click here for the Song for the Weekend!

Missed today's quiz? Check it out here!!

6th Class General Knowledge Quiz!

Daily Schedule for Friday 15th May

Challenge 1: Puzzle of the Day!

Subject 1: Maths

  1. Click here for Daily 10! - 5mins

  2. Busy at Maths: That was a tricky chapter! Take a break today! I've explained pg.130 on the screencastify below if some of ye want to try it today though!πŸ‘‡

Afterward, you may decide you still need help so check out the jamboard. Click here to see an explanation of pg.130 Q3. Or if that doesn't work, scroll down to see it in a PDF.

3. Work It Out. Week 15 (Friday test) - 15 mins

4. Click here for IXL! - 10-20mins

cH. 24 AREA pg.130.pdf

Challenge 2: Physical Challenge of the Day!

You're going to need to cool down after today's PE lesson! πŸ‘‡ So shake out your legs and stretch to this fun Friday song and your song for the weekend!

Subject 2: English

  1. Spellings: Today (Friday) have some ask you your spellings:

Group 2: Sort 29 / Group 3: Sort 40 / Group 4: Sort 6

  1. WOW Words Week 15: WOW Words Week 15: Yesterday's task was to complete the Wow Word cloze test....... Click here if you didn't get to do it yesterday! You know who you are!

Please put on your 30 minute timer and complete a WOW Word Story on the 10 words - Click here to double check them!

  1. English in Practice: N / A

  1. Write to Read: 'I Am David' by Anne Holm: Please read the first part of chapter 3 (that's pg. 49- 58) if you have the book and that's 21 - 24 of PDF sheets online)

Please click here to access the 'I Am David' reading materials. (There's also a scene from the movie today to look at)

πŸ‘‰ Because you are doing your WOW word story, there's no need to do a Reading Response today! πŸ‘ˆ

Challenge 3: Fancy a Friday competiton?

So I've entered our class into a Target Boards competiton as part of Maths Week and you can get started by clicking :

It looks like this picture shown.

Our class code to get started is... TNG3822

Give it a go today and let's creep up on the leaderboard!


A set of 9 numbers is given and using any of these numbers (only once in each expression) and the four operators, find out how many expressions you can make that makes up the target number.

The idea is to come up with as many expressions using the numbers on the board and the operators

+ addition - Subtraction * Multiplication / Division

You must use * for multiplication and / for division or it wont be recognised.

You can also group parts of the expression using brackets ( and ). Examples: 1+2+3 = 6 1+2*3 = 7 (1+2)*3 = 9


Fitness Workout


WhatsApp Video 2021-01-14 at 23.21.30.mp4

WARM UP : Okay...I know it's one of your ''favourites''..... 😜 so firstly let's warm up with the lovely SALLY! Let's fire up those legs with a squat challenge.... I don't expect anyone to reach over 3 mins but give it 1 minute a go... remember to squat on 'Bring Sally Down'

Main Lesson: Spell your first name and try to do 10 reps of each letter in your first name! Click play on the video to see out my example first!

I know I am very lucky to be in Kerry and have a beach within my 5km radius... but it does not matter where you do this name challenge as long as you have a small bit of space! Indoors, outdoors... where ever it's safe to do so!

Cool Down:

Make sure to give your muscles a proper stretch after you complete the Name Challenge! I've made the cool down the physical challenge of the day. So scroll up to stretch your muscles while listening to our Song For The Weekend!

Challenge 4: Daily Dingbat!


Who's Friday dingbat?!