Tuesday 12th January

Hello delightful 6th class!

Well done to most of you who got the week off to a great start! Brilliant work - well done 6th Class, keep it up! 💪✌️

Those of you who didn't get off to a great start- you know who you are! 😢 - Let's go, start today and get going!

Looking forward to chatting to you on our first google meet today -https://meet.google.com/hqm-fmfh-dow if you accessing on a laptop or tablet or else if you've the app on a phone, please put in the code hqm-fmfh-dow.

Today's third subject is History and Science combined is related to our theme which I'll be chatting about on our googlemeet.

👉Zixiang - you smashed it at IXL on Monday and left everyone else for dust - fantastic work , keep it up! 🔥

Mateo in 2nd place, and joint 3rd was Layla and Liz 🥳️

👉Ayeshah - fantastic work on your W2R homework! 🥇

Dojo points for ye all!

Work hard and stay safe today,

Speak to you all at 1.30pm!

Ms. Spillane

Daily Schedule for Tuesday 12th January

Challenge 1: Puzzle of the Day!

Subject 1: Maths

  1. DAILY 10!: Click here for Daily 10! - 5mins

  2. Busy at Maths: Topic: Chapter 24- AREA. Please complete any 3 parts from Q. 1 on page 126 and any 3 questions on page 127.

  3. Don't have your Busy at Maths book? No problem. Click here for page 126

Click here for page 127

4. Work It Out: Week 15 (Tuesday) - 15 mins

5. IXL: Click here for IXL! - 10-20mins

The Human Alphabet!

Challenge 2: Physical Challenge of the Day!

Can you use your body like the pictures shown to spell your name? I think I will need to come up with another one for A and N because they look impossible for me! Show us your moves on FLIPGRID !

Subject 2: English

  1. Spellings: Today (Tuesday) complete ABC ordering:

Group 2: Sort 29 / Group 3: Sort 40 / Group 4: Sort 6 -20 mins

  1. WOW Words Week 15: Brand new week of WOW words - Click here to reveal them! Write them into your Vocab book as usual:

Page 1 DEFINITIONS -------------- Page 2: ANTONYMS / WOW WORDS / SYNONYMS.

PLEASE FIND AND WRITE DEFINITIONS FOR the other FIVE WORDS IN TODAY. Click here on online dictionary to search through.

  1. English in Practice: Day 58 (Tuesday) - 15 mins

  1. Write to Read: 'I Am David' by Anne Holm: Please read the last half of chapter one (pg. 11 to 15 in book for those of you who have it) Please click here to access the 'I Am David' reading materials.

(If you read the whole chapter yesterday, as I know some of you did, that's fine, no need to read on today!)

Please complete the usual Write to Read homework - that is a choice of a ) summary, b) 3 personal responses and c ) 4 comprehension strategies. You have a choice of completing this in your copybook or here. (But if you choose to complete it in your copybook, you will need to send a picture of it to me every evening)

  1. IXL: Click here for IXL! - 10-20 mins

Challenge 3: Word Riddle

Can you test a word riddle for me?

'STARTLING' is a nine letter word, it is the longest word in the dictionary that you can remove a letter and each time make a new word.

e.g. remove a letter and make an 8 letter word, then remove another letter and make a 7 letter word, then remove another letter and make a 6 letter word right down to being left with 1 letter which makes 1 word!

Don't give up too soon! But here's the answer when you've tried hard!










Challenge 4: Daily Dingbat!


What classmate is today's dingbat?

(hint: the second picture - you need to put the verb in the past tense!)