Monday 15th February

Hello lovely 6th class!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Hope you're all ready for three days of work before your well earned mid-term break on Thursday.

Let's aim to give it socks until Wednesday though, starting today!

Please see my video below explaining how your work will look this week and what's going to be different. I'll also be explaining during today's Reading Groups: Please log on as normal at 1.30pm:

Ms. Spillane's group -

Ms. Desmond's group -

Aisling's group -

Did you catch yesterday's Google Doodle? Click here! You'll see we've continued the love theme today on this site and you'll a lot of Valentine's inspired activities for you to complete.

Work hard today,

See you at 1.3opm

Ms. Spillane

P.S. Well done to Zihan who finished the week as IXL champ, followed by Ayeshah close in 2nd place and in third place was Matéo. Well done to you all - dojo points coming your way!


Daily Schedule for Monday 15th February

Challenge 1: Puzzle of the Day!

I have a heart that never beats, I have a home but I never sleep. I can take a mans house and build anothers, And I love to play games with my many brothers. I am a king among fools. Who am I?

Subject 1: Maths

  1. Click here for Daily 10! - 5mins

  2. Busy At Maths: Week off!

2. Work It Out. Week 20 (Monday and Tuesday) - 20 mins

3. Click here for IXL! - 10-20mins

Challenge 2: Physical Challenge of the Day!

Subject2: English

1.Spellings: WEEK OFF!

3. English in Practice: Day 77 AND 78 (Monday AND Tuesday) - 20 mins

4. Write to Read: WEEK OFF!

5. IXL: Click here for IXL! - 10-20 mins

2. WOW Words Week 20: REVISION OF WEEK 15-19

Check back on your last five weeks of WOW words and organise them according to ADJECTIVE / NOUN / VERB / ADVERB like we usually do, follow format as shown in the picture above. You can find them all in the section called WOW WORDS on the site and drop down tab for every week - CLICK HERE! Don't worry, you'll get a chance to fill them out during today's reading groups if you missed any or are unsure about any words. Your WOW WORD test is on Wednesday.

Did you miss us going through the WOW WORD Review on today's Googlemeet?


Challenge 3: IDIOMS MENTIONING THE HEART! Can you think of any? Thinking caps on! When you're done thinking of a few.. go and see the ones you missed by scrolling down! CLick to enlarge the google doc!



  1. Please read the text on Valentine and the link to Dublin by clicking here or scrolling down.

2. Please watch the video from last year's 6th class and their visit to Whitefriar Church to see the relics of Valentine.

3. Please complete Kahoot quiz on what you learnt.

2. Please watch the video from last year's 6th class and their visit to Whitefriar Church to see the relics of Valentine.

3. Please complete a Kahoot! on today by clicking on the picture above.

Valentine and the link to Dublin

Challenge 4: Daily Dingbat!