Scoil Treasa Noafa is proud to be a school that....

  • promotes positive mental health

  • respects and values all of our members

  • realises the importance of pupil wellbeing

  • respects and embraces all individual differences

  • promotes positive interactions with family and the local community

How do we do that?

We do it by creating an atmosphere of respect between all of our pupils and staff at Scoil Treasa Naofa!

The Amber Flag Committee

Meet the Amber Flag Committee! They're all members of 6th class this year due to Covid 19 restrictions on classes mixing and being in the same room. Thankfully, it makes holding meetings easier! We have a sub committee consisting of one representative from each class and they are tasked with the job of getting the information from the main committee and bringing it back to their classes and also with informing their committee of different ideas and suggestions that their class have been talking about!

What a day! Fun Day 2021 was an amazing day enjoyed by all! What a way to raise money for Pieta House, raise mental health awareness and have fun! We achieved them all! Well done to the Amber flag commitee above on a truly amazing day, you should be proud of all your efforts this year!


So what spurred 6th Class on to begin their Amber flag quest?

Check out 'Pay It Forward', a 6th Class Production!

6th Class created a movie all about the concept of spreading kindness. Movie to stimulate a school wide Spreading Kindness initiative!

Oh cool, and did the other classes get involved after seeing their epic video?!


Spread Kindness, not germs! Using part 1 as inspiration, the whole school was challenged by 6th class to spread kindness.... lots of kindness challenges, lots of teamwork and lots of fun!

WOW! The whole school got involved! Amazing to see! Did 6th Class enter their initiative into any national competition?


6th Class are delighted be shortlisted for the 2021 Mission Possible school achievement awards. Mission Possible recognises how schools across Ireland help to promote positive mental health and combat stigma through projects and initiatives and 6th Class' Spreading Kindness initiatives has been nominated in two categories 'Best Standalone Programme' and 'Most Creative Idea'. What ever happens, it's an honour to be nominated and I am very proud of 6th Class and their efforts at promoting positive mental health amongst every class in the school this year!

(Watch from 3.10 - 7.00 for our winning entry and 7.00 - 12.00 to see the other award that we were shortlisted for!)

WOW! National Best Stand Alone Project winners! Amazing achievement!

What else have 6th class been up to?


Kindness Art Poster Competition

Kindness Art Poster Competition is happening now! Check out the Google Slides for more information! All entries will form an outdoor Art gallery! 6th Class judges will have a tough job picking the class winners and overall winners!

Overcoming Adversity

Overcoming Adversity

6th Class learnt all about Overcoming Adversity and Growth Mindset as a cross curricular theme studying individuals such as Martin Luther King, Sinéad Burke & the Aboriginal People and how they used growth mindset in their lives. All pupils completed fantastic projects on the theme - CLICK HERE TO CHECK THEM OUT!

Growth Mindset

Establishing and maintaining a Growth Mindset amongst 6th Class pupils over remote learning period and beyond is a major goal for 6th Class pupils.

SPHE: Growth Mindset

And...... I am pleased to say that all 6th class are using growth mindset in 6th class since their return to school! Yay!

Let's talk!

Lockdown was a little bit lonely at times so at the end of our daily Googlemeets with Ms. Spillane, she turned off her camera and allowed us to have a chat amongst ourselves and even present our screens if we wanted to show our classmates a game!

Draw With Aisling!

6th Class were so lucky to have weekly Art Googlemeet sessions with Aisling, the class SNA and NCCA Graduate who amazed us all with her fantastic Art lessons and gave us her valuable time! There was always a full attendance at those lessons! Thanks Aisling for all your efforts, 6th class feel very fortunate to have such fantastic and specialised Art tuition! Check out the Draw With Aisling! tab and click on the drop down menu to access all the step by step lessons that have wowed 6th class and check out the amazing 6th class efforts that were sent in too!


24hr Digital Detox Challenge! No online learning on the condition that the children didn't log onto a device for the duration of the day!


During remote learning, 6th class children enjoyed weekly Wellbeing Wednesday with a range of wellbeing activities structured into their online learning day.

Mindful Mandalas!

6th Class have access to mindful mandalas on the Classroom site that cater to classroom themes e.g. Star of David, Celtic patterns, St. Patrick's Day, Spring mandalas! Mindful Mandalas - CLICK HERE!

Virtual Learners Check - In!

Some children are not very forthcoming on Googlemeets / Zoom to speak so this virtual check-in works really well during remote learning.

Mindful & Kindful Art!

As part of a Spreading Kindness Initiative, children could access some mindful and kindful art to take home with them!


6th Class hosted an Easter Competition with emphasis on creating a happy egg! All classes were submitted to the 6th class judges and returned to class as a colourful classroom bunting display! Individual Class winners received an Easter Egg prize!

Spreading Kindness Challenges!

6th Class challenged the whole school to take part in a Spreading Kindness Initiative by setting some whole class challenges!


6th Class challenged the whole school to write / draw times that they were kind on a post-it! Every child's input proudly makes up the letters in KIND!

Project Presentation Days

In 6th Class, we celebrate all our project efforts with a presentation day each month!! The standard of projects presented is amazing and each month they get better and better! Prizes and a round of applause as standard!!Check out the 6TH CLASS PROJECTS! tab and the drop down menu to see all the individual project pages submitted so far!

Overcoming Adversity by Mohammed Elbahja

Check out the outstanding project Mohammed completed all about his Dad as part of our Overcoming Adversity projects! What an amazing idea to focus it on someone close to him who inspires him every day!


Lovely Art lesson incorporating literacy and SPHE - Trying to create a pun is fun, trying to create a positively framed pun is even more fun!

Spread Kindness Calendar

The Amber Flag Committee are making sure that the whole school is STILL spreading Kindness with this lovely calendar given out to every class and teacher for May!


An Attitude of Gratitude!

Being, showing and feeling grateful / thankful for something in our lives is very important. 6th Class have worked hard on their Gratitude exercises!

Colloborative Art!

The Whole Is Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts!

Collaborative Artwork is a fantastic teambuilding and confidence building activity - especially when the results are so impressive!

6th Class came up with some cool costumes this year!


As always, there was some fantastic dress up costumes for Halloween! It created a fantastic atmosphere across the whole school and 6th Class added to this by creating a Halloween movie for the whole school to enjoy on our Halloween Zoom assembly! Check it out here if you are brave enough!

Ms. Spillane's favourite day of the year!


OG's Got Skills!

Look which 6th Class pupil was trying his best to inspire his classmates over the lockdown?!!! Click on OG's GOT A CHALLENGE FOR YOU! to get started with a fitness challenge!! When we exercise, we feel good in our bodies and in our minds!

Science Week & Maths Week Trails:

6th Class made whole school outdoor trails for Science Week and Maths Week. They put together a timetable and all the classes enjoyed the trails!

Christmas Jumper Competition

6th Class hosted a Christmas Jumper Competition! All classes were submitted to the 6th class judges and returned to class as a colourful classroom bunting display! Individual Class winners received an prize and there were two overall winners! Santa and his helper Ms. Spillane gave out the prizes!

Did 6th Class even manage to get the principal involved for the Christmas show?!

Principal & 6th Class Christmas Jokes.mp4

Christmas Show Fun!

Check out Ms. Spillane's Christmas Jokes .......with a little help from 6th Class!!

WOW! 6th Class do a lot to promote positive mental health in their class and in the whole school through lots of different activities! What are some of the other classes doing to promote positive Mental Health in their classroom?

5th Class B

5th Class B have been working hard on being kind this year - look at their fantastic display they created after reading the book Wonder! They love to showcase their best work outside their classroom! 5th B have also started a programme called 'Weaving Wellbeing', a fantastic programme to improve mental health and are incorporating it into their SPHE lessons. Fantastic effort 5th B, keep it up! ✌️

5th Class A

Daily Grounding, Dot b Guided Meditations and the Classdojo Big Ideas programme (Growth Mindset,Resilience, Gratitude, Perseverance, Empathy, Respect) form a big part of the 5th class A day and creates a fabulous calm and can do attitude in the classroom - well done all!

4th Class

4th Class have completed some fantastic Colloborative Art projects this year. This one was for the Green Flag Water Display and what an amazing result they achieved!

3rd Class Kindness.mp4

3rd Class

Lots of movement breaks, mindful colouring and music are helping bring the feelgood vibes to 3rd class this term.

3rd Class chose to focus their Christmas performance on the difficult year that we all had in 2020 and celebrates all that is important in our life right now - check out their fantastic video!

2nd Class

2nd Class have been busy doing lots of differnt activities including a Gratitude Jar (pictured) and I am Amazing posters. They've been busy doing amazing Art ideas like The Friendship Tree and The 'Poetree'. They are completing amazing Pupil Portfolios. Children place work they are proud of into their ‘Portfolio’ this can include Art, Maths, Gaeilge, a story/poem etc. Each child decides what work they want to have in their Portfolio. This encourages children to take pride in their work and it helps build their self-confidence by sharing their best pieces of work with classmates. Way to go 2nd Class!

1st Class

Musical Mornings, Daily morning check- in and Movement Break Intervals make 1st class a very happy and serene bunch! They start each morning by entering the classroom to calming music - creating a calm and relaxing atmosphere to clear the mind before beginning the days activities!

To re-energize their bodies while giving the brain the time it needs to process learning and prepare for future learning, 1st class are the Movement Break Champions!

Senior Infants

Senior Infants have been busy working on being the Kindest Class in the school with some fantastic Kindness colouring and kindness poetry. They even get points for showing and spreading Kindness points!! Senior Infants also love to do Dance, meditation, yoga and mindful colouring! Keep up the good work Seniors Invincibles!

Junior Infants

Practising Mindful breathing and Quiet Mornings in Junior Infants really helps all of the lovely boys and girls in the classroom! Junior Infants have also learnt all about what foods we need to eat to be healthy in our bodies and in our minds!

Here they are during Aistear role playing in a restaurant! Well done Juniors!


‘From Kindness rules and Worry object to mindfulness and positive affirmations and team building activities, our SET team is busy instilling positive mental health vibes where ever they go!

Is there anything else going on in the school at the moment that is promoting positive mental health in the school?

Monthly Award Assemblies

Monthly Award Assemblies have now switched to Zoom on the last Friday of every month and celebrate all that's good in Scoil Treasa Naofa!

Outdoor Education

We are blessed in Scoil Treasa Noafa to have the most amazing garden in Dublin 8 if not the whole of Dublin! It really is fantastic and we are so lucky that we can plant, grow, learn, do Art and eat our lunch in this wonderful space!

Whole School Grounding Techniques

Every class in the school participates in a grounding session on arrival into school every morning. It is a few minutes of quiet meditation and sets everyone up for the day! Our focus and our work improves when we ground ourselves!

Breathing Exercises on yard

At the end of every break time, the teacher will encourage the children to take three deep breaths as the bells rings and then to proceed quietly and calmly to our lines.

Buddy Bench

Buddy Bench was installed in the yard in 2017 but now it has been moved to the garden for this academic year.

The idea is simple - if a child feels lonely, they can go to the bench as a signal that they need someone to play with. Another child will see them, go and talk to them and include them in their games. It's been a fantastic resource for our more reticent children!

Hurling with Jenny from St. Kevin's GAA Club!

We were so lucky that despite the Covid restrictions, Jenny our hurling trainer was still able to come in and work with some classes! Every pupil participates and every pupil enjoys themselves - who knows maybe we'll have a future Dublin hurling or camogie star!!

Happy Birthday!

If it's your birthday and you're a pupil or a staff member , you are serenaded with the Happy Birthday song especially for you on yard! It's a golden rule in Scoil Treasa Naofa!!

The Great Staff Bake Off Competition!

Staff @ STN enjoyed a bake off battle with Great Bake Off as inspiration! The losing competitor had to bake on Friday for the staff! It was a lovely 8 weeks of Friday treats!

World Book Day!

World Book Day is for children and teachers! It's always great fun to see all the teachers dressed up as book characters!

Active Week / Sports Day

Every year Active Week and Sports Days are highly anticipated events of the year! Medals are given out for participation and team games are important components of the day for all classes! Celebrity Múinteoir Bainisteoir is especially fun for teachers and pupils!

Does Scoil Treasa Naofa ever welcome family of pupils in to promote wellbeing?

(prior to Covid 19 restrictions)

Grandparents Days

It's always a great day when grandparents come to the classes and share with children about their own school days! The photoshoot in the hall is a definite and refreshments are provided for all!


Current 6th Class during their monthly assembly performance way back in 3rd class - my how they have grown!

Monthly Assembly Performances

Pre Covid, Monthly Award Assemblies were a major date in the calendar! As a bonus treat, every class were assigned a month in which to prepare a performance for an audience of pupils and family! There was songs, poems, dances, plays, dramatic performances and even stand up comedians! It was always a great success and something we hope can continue in the next academic year!

Multicultural Week

Every year it just seems to get bigger and better! What a jam packed week of celebrating our fantastic array of cultures and heritages we had! The week included; Multicultural themed Drama, African Drumming with AfroEire, Religious Diversity Trip (Mosque, Catholic Church, Jewish Museum), Decorative cupcake icing (flags), Women’s World Cup Exhibition, Flashmob, GOAL talk, Origami, Sally and Evelina's dancing demonstration, Multicultural Food Fair, Class Multicultural performances in each classroom, International Restaurant Visit (Aistear), Samba Drumming with Simeon, Vincent Butler World Photographer Talk, Multicultural Assembly performance, Q & A session with Alginet English Centre,Valencia, Spain, Visit to Ammara’s Fashion Boutique, Multicultural Quiz 1st – 6th, Irish Aid trip, Solas International Volunteers (Sports), Basketball with Chao. and a Multicultural Photo Trail featuring all of the staff!

As always, the highlight was the much anticipated Multicultural Food Fair on Thursday. The parents treated us to the most fabulous selection of savoury and sweet food and it was a fantastic occasion for all. We are very grateful to all the parents and families who help make the week a huge success, from cooking to doing a Q&A session in some of the classes to volunteering for some class demonstrations, your kindness was very much appreciated by all in Scoil Treasa Naofa.

Write to Read Celebration Days

Children are always very proud to welcome their families in, share their stories with who ever comes and join us for Write to Read celebration days. What a special event for our budding authors and their proud families!

Does Scoil Treasa ever do anything within their local community?

Litter Picking!

In conjunction with our Green Flag pursuits. the pupils of Scoil Treasa Naofa are regular litter pickers along the streets of Donore Avenues and some roads off it!

Christmas Cards to Bellevilla

Unfortunately, this year our fantastic choir was not in a position to do our annual Christmas Carolling in Bellevilla Nursing Home. But the 5th classes and 6th class did make and write Christmas cards to all the residents there! And some even were lucky enough to receive a card back! Thanks Eileen for a fabulous card - Beni is delighted with it as you can see!

Christmas Carols in Crumlin Hospital

What an honour it is every year to be asked to go carol singing for children in Crumlin Hospital and what pride it is for Scoil Treasa Naofa when time and time again, our children bring joy to all they meet up there! Well done Choir, you are superstars!

Solas Project

We are so fortunate to work with Solas Project, a charity with a vision to see an Ireland where all children and young people truly know their self-worth and can take full advantage of their potential. Our 5th and 6th class are very lucky that year on year Solas create a fantastic programme of events for them to participate in! From Tag Rugby to Art workshops and Access Programmes and lots more, Solas have provided lots of fun activities for our children!

Has Scoil Treasa Naofa always done a lot to promote positive mental health amongst pupils and staff? Was there anything going on during lockdown?

Campa Samhraidh

Scoil Treasa Naofa's first ever Summer Camp was a roaring success! What a fantastic week it was for all our participants! Thanks to all the teachers who made it such a memorable week for all!


LOCKDOWN LIFE AND TALENTS! All our pupils are talented in a lot of different ways! Look at the amazing video we put together showing all these talents combined - well done everyone!


Poetry Sessions with Ms. Spillane on Googlemeet!

For Wellbeing Week, Ms. Spillane hosted some poetry sessions on Zoom and the contributions lead to the creations of this poem!

Teacher Pass the Ball

Teacher Pass The Ball for Active Week 2020!

Active Sports Week 2020 was a major online hit - even the teachers were put to the test!

Our Virtual Multicultural Week 2020 was a major success!

Check out the website from last year for more feelgood multicultural events from STN!

Susan dis-dance!

Dis-dance with Susan over Zoom!

Multicultural Song of the Week and Dis-Dance routine 'We Are All In This Together'! with dance routine that our own very talented Susan put together! What an amazing creation this was! Kudos to Susan!