Hello and welcome to OG's Got Skills!

My name is OG, and I'm here to get you all fit and active! I don't mean just my fellow 6th class pupils either, but all their families and all the teachers at Scoil Treasa Naofa too! Remember our Active Slogan - Movement is Improvement! That's what we need to remember... any movement we do at all will improve our overall fitness, health and our mood! That's really important right now as we are really missing our family and friends... and even school, maybe, a little bit!!

Please join in and accept some of my PE challenges!

But first....

I need to say something before I show you all my PE challenges! It's about the school work that we are all doing at home right now. For me, it's alot harder doing it at home than it is in school but I think exercise is really helping me right now. I feel better focussed doing my work because of being able to take active breaks. I think my concentration and commitment is better too. I get all my online school work done every day and I try my very best every day. Sometimes if I'm stuck on something, I take an active break and I come back to it afterwards and I work through it! My teacher is so impressed with me, she tells me almost every day! :)


The Star Jumps Challenge!

Let's start with an easy one! Star Jumps or Jumping Jacks as some people call them! Set a timer for 1 minute and see how many you can do today!


Running on the spot Challenge!

Can you go as fast as me?!!! Try it now!

Set a timer here!


Press Ups Challenge:

Press Ups are tough - that is a FACT! But start small - try to do a few and try to do more every time! But take your time and keep going. Drop to your knees if you have to! You will see that I thought about giving up a few times but I dug deep and kept going! 💪



I'm lucky that I have equipment for pull ups in my house.

There are probably a lot of SAFE things in or near your house that you can use as part of a pull up challenge today!

But only with adult supervision.

And please just safe!


60 Second Sit Up Challenge:

Here's my 60 Second Sit Up Challenge for you all to try! How many you get isn't important... what's important is that you try to beat your own score the next time!

Push yourself to the last like I did every time! It's not easy but I kept going to the end. Perseverance pays off! No pain, no gain!

The Chip Challenge!

This is tricky but it feels so good when it works like it did for me in the video!

Practise chipping a ball / tennis ball / sock up into the air!

Then when you that works, try chipping it up to aim at a target!

Practise makes perfect!


Teacher Challenge!

This is a challenge for the teachers because it involves weights! Can you lift something that's 10 kg , or 5 kg each like my dumb bells for one minute?!

Give it a go! Here's a one minute timer!

The Celebration Challenge!

Today practise your celebration for those times that you succeed in your sport or exercise!

It's a fun thing to do!

Sport versus Sport Challenge!

For me, soccer is the best sport in the world but some prefer other sports like my teacher!

Why don't you challenge someone to pick a sport and to do a 20 minutes of non stop skills? See who has to give up first!

The Heart Rate Challenge!

You'll notice the straw on my wrist stuck on with bluetack! I put it on before and after playing football on yard during break time and the straw moved on my wrist alot quicker after exercise.

Want the Science bit?!!! When you are exercising, your muscles need extra oxygen—some three times as much as resting muscles. This need means that your heart starts pumping faster, which makes for a quicker pulse.

So..... this is a simple challenge : Do any exercise that makes your pulse go ! Work until you get tired and then keep going until you get very tired! Push yourself guys!!!

Home Workouts Challenge:

Some of us are finding it hard to do some exercise outside at the moment, if that's you then please listen up! Joe Wicks' PE sessions are fantastic if you haven't already logged on - click here if you want to give them a go!

Boxing Challenge:

BOXING TIME! You don't need boxing gloves to practise boxing at home like me!

Look at the types of punches, practise them and then have a look at my technique on the video. Click on the youtube link to follow along like I am!

Dribbling Challenge:

When I started doing this dribbling challenge I was quite slow at it but that's okay I had to start somewhere! Look at me now though - I'm nearly as quick now dribbling around the cones as I am running without the ball! It's not just about speed though, it's about focus and concentration! Want to give it a go? Don't worry if you're not as quick as me, just keep practising! Practise makes perfect!

Running Circuit Challenge:

You don't need cones like I have to set up a running circuit! You can use jumpers or anything!

Do a Warmup first! Before sprints, warm up thoroughly with some easy exercise for 5-10 minutes.

Then set yourself a timed challenge for doing the circuit and remember to run to each cone (item!) laid out! Going fast and then to slowing down is very hard so give yourself a break - it is not as as easy as it looks!!

Weaker Foot Challenge!

You don't need a huge green space to practise your football skills with your weaker foot! Kick it off a wall if you don't have a partner to help out. It really is great practise and you'll see an improvement if you keep going at it, I promise you!

Running Challenge

Since our time off, I am running in 2km loops around my area. I used to run 5km on the beach alot and now I do 4 loops near my house and look at how much more I'm able to run now without stopping - over 8 kilometres!!! I'm so happy with myself - aiming to do 5 loops next time and make it 10 kilometres!! Hope you can get out for a run too, start with less than 2 kilometres (walk and run for a little) and then, after a few weeks repeat your course and try to run for more of it. You'll end up a runner like me! :)

Battle of the Counties:

Do you know someone from another county or even another country? Why don't you set a challenge for you both to see which county is the fittest?! You can video call them and do the workout together!

I've made a sample one here:

10 Jumping Jacks / 10 Press ups / 20 Sit Ups / 10 Russian twists / 15 Lunges / 10 squat jumps . 1 minute break. Repeat the circuit again.

Active Breaks Between School Work!

Today , I sat down to do my Maths, English and my Science but after really trying hard at my Maths, I needed a break so myself and my Mam went on a 5km run. I cam back and ate a snack and then I was ready to start at my English work.

You don't have to run 5 km's but it is very important to take some active breaks during your work! It really helps your mind to focus for longer!

Exercising to your favourite song:

I love to move to my favourite song....click on Wavin' Flag and you will want to move too! Sometimes I pick five exercises from the sheet below and I do them each for 30 seconds while listening to my favourite song!

Challenge a family member!!

I love to motivate everyone around me, it's really good when you're there to help someone give it their all and to give them words of encouragement!

I've motivated _____to do as many sit ups as me in a minute! She didn't do as many as me! But she is improving every day! :)

Now it's over to you... can you challenge a family member to complete a 60 second challenge?

Time Challenge!

Sometimes I put my phone stopwatch timer on and I do as many exercises as I can! This time I did running and I kept running for as long as my legs would carry me. I couldn't believe that I kept going until 51 minutes and 1 second! I was so delighted and I felt great after it! The happy hormones were flowing all over my body! Give it a go! Turn on your timer and run / plank / squat / lunge for as long as you can!

Set a PE Challenge for the teacher!

I motivated my teacher to join in on the fitness! She completed the Spell Your Name Challenge using her first name and surname. Check out the videos! If she can do it, so can you! :)

And why don't you set your teacher the Spell Your Name Challenge afterwards too!

Another Double Skill Combo Challenge:

This was even harder than the last because I was using both feet - strong and weak! Volley pass was the soccer skill I was trying to improve and high knees was the exercise in between! My face will tell you that it was tough work but no pain, no gain people!!

The 'Go to the very end' challenge!

This is me running on sand and it's very hard! I'm just finishing a 5 kilometre run on it and you'll notice I don't stop or I don't slow my pace even though I find it hard. I probably go even faster when I am jumping over the finish line like I am here! This is not a running challenge for you, this is a challenge for you to give what ever it is you're doing - walking, running, jumping jacks, baton twirling, toilet roll keepy uppies - what ever it is, keep going to the very end, keep trying even when it is tough and keep giving it your all! 💪

The Multitasking Challenge:

Ever tried to combine exercise with school work?

I bet you did in class with the teacher! It's called integration when we do it in school!

I call it the IXL-ercise challenge because I was multitasking - completing IXL challenges while on a spinning bike!

Can you do some multitasking challenges? You don't have to be on a device... you could practise your tables while doing jumping jacks, you could practise Gaeilge phrases while doing press ups or you could do a name association game while jogging on the spot! Give it a go!

Drop Everthing and Press Up! DEAPU Challenge

It doesn't matter where you are, as long as you're somewhere safe you can try the DEAPU - Drop Everything and Press Up! Here's fitness fanatic PR doing the DEAPU at the beach!

Healthy Eating Challenge :

Alot of you have been wondering what do I eat in a day so here it is, a Scoil Treasa Naofa and World Exclusive!! I didn't mention it but I try to only have treats at the weekend! See can you eat as healthily as me during the week! If you do, you deserve a treat too!