Ms. Dolan's Resources

Hello guys,

I hope you are keeping well and that you had a lovely Easter break. Ms. Spillane tells me most have you have been making a really great effort to continue with your work/activities while we’ve been away from the classroom setting. Please keep up the good work this term!


In our group we were working on our visualisation technique for spelling. Please continue this strategy while you learn the spellings allocated by Ms. Spillane on the main page. You can use paper, a post-it, back of an old cereal box, anything you can write on!

  • Don't forget to ensure the word is being held up at your optimum level for visualisation.

  • Familiarise your spelling buddy with the kind of questions/techniques we use e.g. 'What colour is it? Change it to your favourite colour. What is the middle letter? etc.

Motor skills:

· We used some activates from the Take Ten programme to improve our hand dexterity. See can you practise the Xs game (where we timed the amount of xs or crosses we could make with another person in one minute). Maybe someone at home could practise with you and you can try to beat our record!

· If you have old newspapers or magazines and a small basket/bucket available to you, see how many pieces of paper you can crumple using one hand in 30 seconds. Then see how many you can successfully shoot into the basket! Practise a few times and try to beat your score.


· This term I was planning to work on typing skills with you. I was hoping you could get a head start on this at home. Check out the website below:

Stage one starts off the beginning of the Dance Mat Typing. It starts with the home row of the keyboard.

The home row keys are the main or the centre row of your keyboard. It is the row that begins with a, s, d, and ends with k, l, and the semi colon. They are ordered as per the position of your hands. Your left hand fingers sit upon the letters f, d, s, and your right hand fingers sit upon j, k, l, and ;.

Your thumbs hit the space bar when needed. The leftover over keys on the row, (g and h) are used by your pointer fingers. When needed, your left hand’s pointer finger switches from f to g and your left switches from j to h. This allows you to cover the keys in the home row.

You can keep yourself updated throughout the level by the help of the “smashed records” bar that is placed on the bottom of the screen while going through Typing.

I know you guys have had plenty of typing practise already, so I’m sure you’ll fly through those levels!


Please continue to work on your speed and accuracy in multiplication and division tables.

Game- Hit the Button (Practise quick fire multiplication and division questions)

Long division explanation and questions.

Long multiplication/ division questions

· Ms. Spillane is assigning both Maths and English questions on IXL.

See can you rival the high scores of your other classmates!

  • Please let me know if you are having any difficulties with the allocated work. I have contacted your parents with my email address if they need to get in touch for any reason.

Please remember to check back here for more tasks!

In the meantime, stay safe and well, and stay at home as much as possible!