Thursday 25th February

Dia Dhaoibh Rang a Sé!

Hope you're all well this Thursday!

For our Art lesson today we will be looking at War Propaganda Posters and making some posters of our own with the theme of Climate Action! You will need 2 pieces of paper, a pencil, a ruler and some colours. Join the Googlemeet at 1.30pm!

Please use the code or use the code hqm-fmfh-dow if using a phone.

Well done to #1 Mohammed EB (AGAIN!), #2 Matéo and #3 Patrick for finishing the day in the top 3 of IXL performers!

Work hard and stay safe,

Ms. Spillane

P.S. Well done on some excellent work on padlet and menti yesterday based on chapter 3 of BISP - well done all!

Adjectives to describe Father so far

Adjectives to describe the relationship between Bruno and Gretel

Daily Schedule for Thursday 25th February

Challenge 1: Puzzle of the Day!

How much dirt is in a hole that was dug 5m deep and 6m wide?

Subject 1: Maths

  1. Click here for Daily 10! - 5mins

  2. Busy at Maths: Topic: Chapter 31 : Weight

We are still working on page 163 today (part 3 of 3 today)

a) Look at explanation video

b) Complete Q9, Q10, Q11 and Q12 pg. 163

c) Today your extension activity looks at food rationing in the trenches amongst the Army soldiers- Click here! You'll see the answers to yesterday's task too.

Don't have your Busy at Maths book? No problem.

Click here for pages 162 - 166

3. Work It Out. Week 21 (Thursday) - 15 mins

4. Click here for IXL! - 10-20mins

Challenge 2: Physical Challenge of the Day!

The Heart Rate Challenge!

You'll notice the straw on my wrist stuck on with bluetack! I put it on before and after playing football on yard during break time and the straw moved on my wrist alot quicker after exercise.

Want the Science bit?!!! When you are exercising, your muscles need extra oxygen—some three times as much as resting muscles. This need means that your heart starts pumping faster, which makes for a quicker pulse.

So..... this is a simple challenge : Do any exercise that makes your pulse go ! Work until you get tired and then keep going until you get very tired! Push yourself guys!!!

Subject 2: English

  1. Spellings: Complete RAINBOW WORDS into your English / Treasury / Spelling copy:

Group 2: Sort 34 - Click here! Group 3: Sort 45 - Click here! Group 4: Sort 11 - Click here! -20mins

  1. WOW Words Week 21: Yesterday, you completed SENTENCES - Click here to get started if you missed it. Today, please complete the CLOZE PROCEDURE here or scroll down.

  1. English in Practice: Day 84 (Thursday) - 15 mins

  1. W2R: This week we start The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne. Read / Listen to chapter 4 of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. You'll find it here.

Please complete the usual Write to Read homework - that is a choice of a ) summary, b) 3 personal responses and c ) 4 comprehension strategies. You have a choice of completing this in your copybook or here. (But if you choose to complete it in your copybook, you will need to send a picture of it to me every evening) PLEASE KEEP FINDING NEW WORDS AND RECORDING THEM HERE!

  1. Click here for IXL! - 10-20 mins

Challenge 3:

Throwback Thursday:

Let's throw it back to Halloween already saw the finished movie product but you didn't see the uncut, extended scenes so check them out here!

Subject 3: Art : Live Lesson @ 1.30pm

Topic: World War II: Art Propaganda

Propaganda is information that is used to promote or publicise a point of view or a cause. It was widely used during World War II. We are going to look at it in Art form today.


1. Study the examples of WWII propaganda and think about the following questions : Do you think these posters influenced people during World War II? How would the posters make people feel? Are all these posters trying to influence the same people ?

Propaganda to persuade people to become a nurse (to look after the wounded people from war)

Propaganda about food shortages to persuade people not to waste it.

Propaganda urging American soldiers to retaliate to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour

This Propaganda is a very popular advertising slogan for companies nowadays.

2. Study the examples of Coronavirus propaganda that have been inspired by the WWII posters.

Do you think these are effective? We are hearing a lot every day about the frontline hospital workers who are working tirelessly to keep the virus away. They all need our support, starting with something very simple - staying at home!

3. Today in art we will be making climate crisis posters in the style of WWII posters!

Get your thinking hats on for some climate poster ideas, and you can make your own on the Googlemeet at 1.30!

You will need an a4 sheet of paper for your poster and some extra paper for brainstorming ideas, a pencil, a ruler and some colours.

Don't forget to email pictures of your work to us after the lesson!

Challenge 4: Daily Dingbat!


Thursday's Dingbat :

Say what you see!