Thursday 4th February

Hi momentous 6th Class!

"Every Moment can be a Memory" - Today's quote is a suitable one today because it's THROWBACK THURSDAY! Hope you enjoy today's memory video!

Really good work on yesterday's Reading Groups - well done all! We are finishing I Am David today. Some of your predictions are below - some really clever ones, I wonder are you right?

For our art lesson we will be looking at how circles are used by different artists and we will be making our own circle art by drawing beautiful mandalas! You will need a compass, a ruler, a pencil, a black marker, paper and colours!

If you don't have a compass, any circular objects will do - cup, bowl, pringles box, get a few if you can!

Please use the code or use the code hqm-fmfh-dow if using a phone.

There is a Maths group meeting today with Ms. Desmond @12pm for those that may need to review circumference and anything Circle related!

IXL top scorer for Wednesday was once again..... Zihan 🔥 followed by Liz, foll0wed by Matéo! Nice work ! Another few dojo points! Ch-ching!

Scroll down for today's daily schedule!

Ms. Spillane

Some very good predictions for today's finale of I Am David! You'll find out today if you are right!

Daily Schedule for Thursday 4th February

Challenge 1: Puzzle of the Day!

You go on holiday to Switzerland. When you arrive at your cabin, you find that there is no heat or electricity. However there is wood in the fireplace, a wood-burning stove, a candle and an oil lamp. You search through your pack and find you only have one match. What should you light first?

Yesterday's Padlet of beautiful Switzerland!

Subject 1: Maths

  1. Click here for Daily 10! - 5mins

  2. Busy at Maths: Topic: Chapter 28: The Circle.

a) Press play on the explanation video or click here .

b) watch Tutorial 91

c)Complete any 2 sums from each of Question 2, 3 and 4 on page 149.

Don't have your Busy at Maths book? No problem. Click here for page 149

3. Work It Out. Week 18 (Thursday) - 20 mins

4. Click here for IXL! - 10-20mins

Challenge 2: Physical Challenge of the Day!

Got a chair for today's physical challenge?

Try 10 reps of each if you can manage it!

Subject 2: English

  1. Spellings: Complete RAINBOW WORDS into your English / Treasury / Spelling copy:

Group 2: Sort 32 - Click here! Group 3: Sort 43 - Click here! Group 4: Sort 9 - Click here! -20mins

  1. WOW Words Week 18: Yesterday was your chance to put the WOW WORDS INTO SENTENCES. Click on WOW WORD WEEK 18 Sentences if you didn't get a chance to do it. Today is Cloze day so click here to get started.

  1. English in Practice: Day 72 (Thursday) - 20 mins

4. Write to Read: 'I Am David' by Anne Holm: Please read the TO THE END OF THE BOOK TODAY (that's pg. 181-192 if you have the book and that's bottom half of 74 - 77 of PDF sheets online)

Please click here to access the 'I Am David' reading materials.

You can choose today's reading response here. (But if you choose to complete it in your copybook, you will need to send a picture of it to me every evening) PLEASE KEEP FINDING NEW WORDS AND RECORDING THEM HERE!

  1. IXL: Click here for IXL! - 10-20 mins

Challenge 3: Throwback Thursday Time!

Taking a look at our latest Thursday Throwback and I want you to think about our Christmas performance introduction and the idea of SPREADING A KINDNESS PANDEMIC! Could that be a cool idea for your book creator creation?!

Subject 3: Art (Live on Googlemeets at 1.30pm) Circles in art

Do you recognise this Art from your research above?

Who can name this iconic logo?

Anyone know the rules of this popular game starting with d?

Now that you are masters of constructing circles, let's do it in an Art lesson!

Before you start, let's take a look at some circles in art, for example the work of Wassily Kandinsky (CLICK HERE) and Anwar Jalah Shemza (CLICK HERE). Also, have a look at the amazing circle themed pieces (circles in art (CLICK HERE)).

Why not take a look at more; crop circles (especially John Lundberg (CLICK HERE)) or the use of circles in famous brand logos. Have a look at Geometry circles (CLICK HERE) and How to draw geometry circles (CLICK HERE) too for inspration. And after all that, if you still need more; check out this Pinterest board which includes cool circle themed art lessons.


we are going to learn how to draw a Mandala which means circle in Sanskrit - CLICK HERE FOR A SNEAK PEEK!

Materials you will need: A drawing compass (or circular objects to trace), a ruler, paper, a pencil, a black marker and colours of your choice (oil pastels would work well here if you have them!)

Challenge 4: Daily Dingbat!