Thursday 11th March

Hello magnificent 6th Class!

The sun is setting on your remote learning days!

So it's here..... your final day of remote learning before we head back to school! Remember no need to log on tomorrow - it's DIGITAL DETOX DAY! That means no logging onto complete any school work BUT no logging onto any device either - go on, set yourself the challenge!

But first things, first.... let's work hard today on your final online learning day!

There's the usual Maths and English to complete. Have a look at my Maths explanation video below, if still a little confused, please log onto Ms. Desmond's Maths session today at 12pm.

Don't forget the IXL for both Maths and English!

Please complete your only form for today - your WOW WORD cloze.

The Corrections page is now live so please correct your Busy at Maths , Work It Out and English in Practise today. Click here!

Zihan was king of the ring yesterday - again!! 🥇 Moh EB is in 2nd place 🥈 and Beni is sitting pretty in 3rd place! 🥉 Well done you three!!! 👏

Ms. Rashling (The new Aisling, Rawan!!) is going to be our Art today - I'm excited! 🥳️ I hope you are too! See you at 1.30pm for it!

How do you feel about going back to school? If you need help with anything or have any questions in the meantime about going back to school , please email : and also, Ms. Desmond is available

Work hard and stay safe,

Ms. Spillane

Great work yesterday on the reading groups - well done to all of you for your excellent participation not just yesterday, but over the course of the last 15 sessions of Virtual Reading groups!

How 6th Class reacted to the dinner scene.... well done all of you for dealing with a sensitive topic so maturely and respectfully.

Daily Schedule for Thursday 11th March

Challenge 1: Puzzle of the Day!

If you were to take two apples from three apples, how many would you have?

Subject 1: Maths

  1. Click here for Daily 10! - 5mins

  2. Busy at Maths: Topic: Chapter 20 Equations and variables : page 105 - 108 (page 101 - 104 was completed in October)

a ) Watch explanation video here.

b ) please complete any 2 sums from each of Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 and Q6.

c) please complete any 3 equations from Q7 - Q11.

Don't have your Busy at Maths book? No problem.

Click here for pages 105 - 108

3. Work It Out. Week 23 (Thursday) - 15 mins

4. Click here for IXL! - 10-20mins

Explanation video of Q1-Q6 pg. 108

Explanation video of Q7-Q11

Challenge 2: Physical Challenge of the Day!

Remember TABATA the Japanese high intensity training from our PE sessions in September and October? Click here to meet this old foe again!

Subject 2: English

  1. Spellings: Complete new sort into your English / Treasury / Spelling copy:

Group 2: Sort 36 - Click here! Group 3: Sort 47 - Click here! Group 4: Sort 13 - Click here! -20mins

  1. WOW Words Week 23: Yesterday you completed your WOW WORD SENTENCES - Click here if you didn't. Please complete your Cloze today - Click here or scroll down!

  1. English in Practice: Day 92 (Thursday) - 15 mins

  1. W2R: The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne. Read / Listen to chapter 14 here.

Please complete the usual Write to Read homework - that is a choice of a ) summary, b) 3 personal responses and c ) 4 comprehension strategies. You have a choice of completing this in your copybook or here. (But if you choose to complete it in your copybook, you will need to send a picture of it to me every evening) PLEASE KEEP FINDING NEW WORDS AND RECORDING THEM HERE!

  1. Click here for IXL! - 10-20 mins

Challenge 3: COUNTDOWN!!

Click on the picture to play your own game today! Or else click here to have a look at an amazing performance of the programme!

Subject 3: Art : Live Lesson @ 1.30pm

Topic: Rawan's Art Lesson: Details To Be Announced!

Challenge 4: Daily Dingbat!


Today''s Dingbat :

Say what you see!