Propaganda Posters

Today you we will look at some War Propaganda posters and some Climate Action posters. We are going to take inspiration from both to make our own Eco Propaganda posters!

War Propaganda Posters

Climate Action Posters

Make an Eco Propaganda Poster!

Step 1: Choose the War Propaganda poster that you are going to take inspiration from.

Step 2: Think of a climate crisis caption that will match this poster. You can brainstorm this on a piece of paper.

Here are some climate crisis slogans and captions:

  • 'Burn borders...not coal' ...

  • 'If you don't act like adults, we will' ...

  • 'Denial is not a policy' ...

  • 'Our future, in your hands' ...

  • 'There are Co2nsequences'

  • 'There is no planet B'

  • 'March now or swim later'

  • 'Change the politics not the climate'

  • 'The oceans are rising and so are we'

  • 'Choose eco not ego'

Step 3: Use a ruler to draw a border around your page.

Step 4: Lightly mark out the lines for your caption using your ruler and pencil.

Wind Turbines

Step 5: Is there an object or person in your chosen war propaganda poster that could be replaced with something climate related?

e.g. A vegetable could be replaced with the earth, a person could be replaced with an animal, a weapon could be replaced with plastic.

You can also change the image completely and replace it with your own design. Here are some images you could work from.

Greta Thunberg

The Earth on Fire

Polar Bear on Melting Ice Cap

Forest Burning

Step 6: Once you have drawn your poster design, choose a colour sheme for your poster and colour it in!