Monday 11th January

Hello fabulous 6th class!

Firstly...... Happy New Year to you all! I hope you are keeping well and keeping safe. It's important that we still maintain the high standards that you have been setting so far in 6th class so please log in here every day and try to keep a daily structure even though you are at home and it will be difficult at certain times. I understand that and I accept that there will be challenges for you but every child in the country, and indeed across the world right now is in the same boat as you are and most are doing their best to complete their school work. Please be in the 'most' category.

We will try to keep the school structure going. We will have a google meet three - four days a week and usually after lunch time (after 1.30pm to coincide with our reading groups time) - two of these calls will be to do a 'virtual reading group', one call will be to review any work completed and to help with any problems you might have and one call will be a social call with some fun along the way! I will send the link to your parents for our first meeting tomorrow at 2pm. I'll be announcing our January theme then too!

You'll have three subjects every day (Maths, English and one other) and four fun challenges! Most of the time, you will have Maths and two online assignments to fill in every day on google forms (Write to Read homework as normal and a form based on our third subject every day). It is very important that you complete Write to Read every day. We will be reading "I Am David" by Anne Holm. There will be an youtube read aloud and a pdf for all the chapters. Please complete IXL every day as that is, along with the google forms, will be how you will best show me you're working hard. There will be a lot of dojo points given out to the best achievers every day - aim to be in the top 3 every day!

This is a time when you can really show independence and maturity and show that you are a sensible 6th class pupil on the cusp of secondary school. Show that by giving everything a go on here, show that by doing your work every day without people at home having to remind you, show that by staying indoors when possible, show that by helping out at home and show that by being kind to people who you live with.

If you are stuck on or if you need help with anything or have any questions please email : and also, Ms. Desmond is available

Please take care,

Ms. Spillane

Daily Schedule for Monday 11th January

Challenge 1: Puzzle of the Day!

I start and end with the same letter, sometimes I have eight letters and other times I just have 1 letter.

What am I?

Subject 1: Maths

  1. Daily 10!: Click here for Daily 10! - 5mins

  1. Busy at Maths: Topic: Chapter 24- AREA Please complete any 2 Q's from each of the questions on page 125 Click here for a quick check up of your knowledge of area!

Don't have your Busy at Maths book? No problem. Click here for page 125

4. Work It Out : Week 15 (Monday) - 10 mins

5. IXL: Click here for IXL! - 10 mins

Challenge 2: Physical Challenge of the Day!

Give this A - Z challenge a go between Maths and English today! Skip the ones you don't or that need some equipment! Try complete 10 reps of each letter!

Show us your moves for this challenge on Flipgrid today! Click here to get started!

Subject 2: English

  1. Spellings: You collected your spellings for this week on Friday.

Today (Monday) cut up your words and put them into sorts:

Group 2: Sort 29 / Group 3: Sort 40 / Group 4: Sort 6 -20 mins

  1. WOW Words Week 15: Brand new week of WOW words - Click here to reveal them! Write them into your Vocab book as usual:

Page 1 DEFINITIONS -------------- Page 2: ANTONYMS / WOW WORDS / SYNONYMS.

PLEASE FIND AND WRITE DEFINITIONS FOR FIVE WORDS IN TODAY. Click here on online dictionary to search through.

  1. English in Practice: Day 57 (Monday) - 15 mins

  1. Write to Read: 'I Am David' by Anne Holm: Please read the first half of chapter one (pg. 3 to 10 in book for those of you who have it) Please click here to access the 'I Am David' reading materials.

Please complete the usual Write to Read homework - that is a choice of a ) summary, b) 3 personal responses and c ) 4 comprehension strategies. You have a choice of completing this in your copybook or here. (But if you choose to complete it in your copybook, you will need to send a picture of it to me every evening)

  1. IXL: Click here for IXL! - 10-20 mins

Challenge 3: Find 6 words hidden in the picture!

These are tricky! I've given you an example where the answers are circled! (See top!)

Now see can you find all six words in the other picture! 👉

Want a hint? Click here to reveal the six words you are trying to find!

cow , wow, Iowa, orange, guitar, laugh - can you find them all?!!!

Subject 3: Gaeilge: Please fill in the multiple choice questions on the form based on the photos.

Click here to get started!

Challenge 4: Daily Dingbat! SAY WHAT YOU SEE!


Say what you see! .........Any ideas?!!! Check below for answer!

1 = low battery (lo)

2 = rain (rraine)

3 = spilt tea (spill)

4 = Anne Frank (ane)

Yep, you probably guessed right - this example is me..... LORRAINE SPILLANE!

Check out what 6th classmate's name is Monday's Dingbat of the Day!