14. Independent

This is my independent project. For this I could choose any form of media that I used in art this year, and create something using it. I chose scratchboard because I really like how you can control how much light there is in the picture rather than dark like in a graphite drawing. To begin this project I chose the picture that I wanted and put it in black and white. I chose this one because it has a good variation of value in it. Then I put tracing paper between the scratchboard and the picture, and traced it. After this I worked on and completed it.

I think I did a good job of doing the sky area. The clouds have an accurate amount of value, although I feel that they could look a little more wispy, but that's not really possible with scratchboard. I think the sky also looks good, along with the poles and beams crossing in the middle. I think I could've done a better job with the ground area, but the whole area and is very dark and there isn't a lot of variation there of value or shape, so because of that, I think I did well enough. I think this independent project was a good way to cap off the year in art class.