Linoleum Prints

These are my linoleum Prints. The project was called find your voice, so I found something that I wanted to speak out about. I chose to speak out in support of physician-assisted death. This is something that is only legal in a few states, that I think should be legal everywhere. For this project, I had to draw an outline of what I would print, carve out a linoleum board, print the image and then hand-manipulate a few of them. I turned in these three as my final prints, the bottom one being my best one.

To start off this project I had to think of what I wanted to speak about. After I decided this, I had to draw what my prints would look like. I used stencils because these words would be used to outline the carving of the linoleum, so they had to be neat and precise. Next, I copied the outline of my words onto the linoleum print. After this, I carved out everything besides the letters, pills, and syringe. Then I did my prints. In total, I completed 9 prints. From these prints, I chose my best three, and hand manipulated them.

I chose to speak out about physician-assisted death because it is something I see as important in the world today. I think the words I chose and the way I wrote them definitely conveyed my message. I think the imagery, especially in the bottom print, helped out the cause as well. The most challenging thing about this project was getting a full print with no blotchy spots. I had to use some black watercolor, in the end, to go over white spots here and there. I am very proud about my last print, especially the medical symbol in the middle. These prints demonstrate my strengths because I feel like I was able to convey my message well through art, and it displays my weakeness in my inexperience with printing. I really like how all three of these prints turned out.