05. Gridded Self-Portrait

Artist Statement: This is a self portrait of my face gridded with my twin brother Atticus' face. Above it are my two value scales. The one on the top increases in value incrementally and the one on the bottom increases in value gradually without specific increments.

In order to create the first value scale I drew evenly spaced boxes for the different values. I started by creating a middle grey then I increased each box by a little in darkness to the right of is middle box and I decreased the darkness box in each one to the left of it. In the second value scale I started on the dark end on the right and progressively decreased the darkness to where in was extremely light on the far left side. In order to do the gridded self portrait of me and my twin Atticus, I started by taking pictures of us from almost the exact same position and angle in order to made sure the grids lined up when I weaved them. After taking these pictures, I printed them separately and gridded one in one inch sections horizontally and gridded the other vertically in one inch sections. After this I weaved them kind of randomly until I got the product I wanted, making sure that some features of my twins were showing and some features of mine were too. Then I took a picture of this gridded image and printed it. After this i gridded another blank piece of paper into one inch sections and drew the corresponding shapes and values from the gridded picture in the boxes in the blank paper. After I did this I was finished.

I chose to take pictures that had drastic differences in value to make it more visually interesting. I think I successfully recreated the range of values in my drawing. It made it seem more life-like and definitely made it more appealing. I also liked using a tortillian to really blend the pencil markings together.