Mainer project

This is my Mainer project. It is a lighthouse and a lobster driving a boat made out of sculpey. For this project I had to take a symbolic animal, action or thing that is associated with maine. I chose to make my project revolve around the sea life of Maine hence the lighthouse and the "lobster boat." The base that the lighthouse and lobster are on is made of foam core and I painted it a sea blue-green. I made the objects out of sculpey but the armature of each one is made of aluminum foil. Some elements and principles I used were Shape, form and contrast. Shape is used because it is a sculpture and form is used in the way the lobster and lighthouse are structured. I used contrast by making the island grey and black while the lighthouse and boat are both mostly lightly colored.

A composition rule that I used was informal balance. I used this because although there are two main objects, the lighthouse/island is the prominent one and it grabs the viewer's attention. This is informal balance because the focal point isn't in the center of the base. In terms of the evolution of my project, it started out as an unformed idea which I wasn't completely sure of doing. I started out by making the lighthouse, which I was going to do in the beginning but I realized I needed more. I chose to make a lobster in a boat as a bit of a play on words and I made the island for the lighthouse to sit on.

I chose to make a lighthouse because I think they're very interesting and I chose to make a lobster because they are symbols that someone would immediately associate with maine. I chose to make the lobster driving the boat because I thought it was a funny way of making a "lobster boat" so to speak. This project relates to my life because I know some lobstermen and I also really like visiting lighthouses. If I could go back to the start I would've molded the white sculpey separately because it got tinted a little bit pink. The biggest challenge was making the lighthouse look realistic after I smudged the white sculpey but I think it turned out okay. I am most proud of the island, I really like the various rocks that are on it. In this project my strengths as an artist can be seen in my ability to use sculpey structurally and my weaknesses can be seen in how I accidentally smudged the white sculpey on the lighthouse.