04. Perspective Drawing

To do this perspective drawing I needed to first find a hallway to draw. I chose this hallway and started by drawing the back wall. Since this is a one point perspective drawing, I had to put a point where all got the lines converge on to make it proportionate. Arounf this point I drew the back wall. From here I drew the side walls, floor and ceiling. From there I could draw all of the other details. The materials I used were pencils, erasers, a straight edge and a ruler.

I chose to do this hallway because it is looking out on the soccer field, and I love playing soccer. I think I did well accurately using one point perspective in my drawing. Everything is pretty much to scale besides the soccer field which I had to draw while at home. I think I did a really good job of drawing the lockers accurately and keeping every thing in one point perspective. If I could, I would redraw the soccer field more accurately in the background but other than that I am very happy with how it turned out.