2D Design

In 2D design, I have come far as an artist and I have accomplished many new things in the field of design. What really gets me going as an artist is working on a project that I really like, and there were a few, in particular, this year that I enjoyed. One of these was the hand project. I like expressing my opinions on modern day issues, and I felt like I could in this project. I was able to say that I believe that there is still not complete equality in the world and that I think there should be, all through my art work. Also, I really liked the process and medium that I used in this project: I could keep it simple with graphite, yet add so much detail and depth through the zentangles and the use of contrasting the black and white. I was really happy with how the project turned out as well. Another project that I really liked was the circle project. I liked coming up with a circle related idea to make, and I feel like mine was original. I’m pleased with the final project, even though I didn’t know how it was going to turn out at first. Overall, I enjoyed this class this year because I was able to express my ideas, opinions, and feelings through my art in numerous projects.

I have had ups and downs in 2D design, but through the things that I have struggled with, I feel like I have improved as an artist. Some difficult projects so far have been the macro leaf project and the signature self-portrait. The macro leaf project was so difficult because I used mostly watercolor in it which I am not that experienced with. I had to mix a lot of colors to get the desired values of the leaf, but some of them just became brown and muddled. I got better at it as the project went on and I feel like I improved a lot with watercolor by the time I was finished. The signature self-portrait was difficult for obvious reasons— I could only use my signature to create the image. It was hard to get used to using just my signature, especially because I had to overlap it so much to make it dark in certain places. Eventually, I became more accustomed to it and I felt comfortable with it by the end. I definitely improved with using watercolor, graphite, and printing this year.

I feel like I also learned a great deal in 2D design this semester. The most substantial thing I learned this year was the printmaking process. I did some printmaking last year, but I feel like I learned the process in full this year. A lot of the things I learned about printmaking were through trial and error. I learned that in order to get a full, perfect print a few things have to happen. I have to completely carve out any unwanted pieces of the linoleum block, the paper on which I am printing has to be damp to capture all the ink, and that a lot of effort has to be diverted into pressing down on the paper in order for the ink to fully cover it. This process was useful to learn for future projects. I also learned how to better mix paints and watercolors as well as how to use colored pencil more accurately. This semester has been very rewarding and fulfilling for me as an artist.