08. Art inspired

This was an artist inspired project. The artists I chose to study the most closely was Andrew Goldsworthy, who creates sculptures in nature with nothing but the materials around him with his bare hands. His take on art and his approach to making art really struck me as awesome and it inspired me to create a sculpture of my own. Since it was winter, I decided to make a snow/ice sculpture.

To begin this I sketched out a few ideas and then decided on a rough idea. Of course since it was a sculpture so I modified it as I went along according to my materials. First I chose a place to make it. I cleared an area out, and spread pine needles around to give the area some texture. Then I built a circle out of ice pieces as the body of the sculpture. I then filled this in with snow and put pieces of ice around it to create a spiraling affect. This project turned out to be pretty time consuming, since I had to go up to my deck and back to get icicles and pieces of ice many times. I think I did a very good job of taking Goldworthy's style and interpreting it to make my own sculpture. I think I could've added a little more detail, but overall I think it's turned out well.