03. shoescape

In this drawing I was required to draw a pair of shoes in a set position and then draw a background of my choice from a picture I took, behind it. I was only supposed to use lines and to create a wide variety of shades, thickness's and styles of them. First, I set up the shoes in a position I wanted and then I drew them over the course of a few classes. Then I found the picture I wanted for the background and put in in black and white and drew it on the page.

This drawing represents me in a lot of ways. I chose these shows because I like they're design. The patterns and textures on them are cool and appeal to me. I chose the background because I enjoy being near the water and I especially liked this lake that I went to in the summer. These two things are connected because these are boat shoes and this is a lake so the shoes are meant to be seen or used near water.

I successfully created this drawing while incorporating previously learned elements of Art in a couple different ways. Firstly, I tried to use as much line variety as possible. In order to make the shoes seem in the foreground and the landscape in the background I darkened the outline of the shoes to make them pop out. I also tried to make the clouds go behind shoes to make the illusion that they were behind. I think I was successful in using the elements of art. I used a variety of patterns such as the cross hatching to mimic some of the pattern that is on the shoe. I also made thin and thick line to imply shading and what was in the front and back. Overall, I am happy with my final product.