Organ and Tissue Donation

This is my organ and tissue donation project. For this project, I had to make a piece of art that included the phrase "organ and tissue donation." This piece had to be made in an effort to support organ and tissue donation, and I tried to express this in a creative way. I used an eye and a heart to make the phrase "I <3 organ and tissue donation." I also included the fact that one donor can save 8 lives and I drew one purple person and eight red people to represent this.

To start this project I had to think of an idea. I came up with a dew but this was my best one. I wanted to do the classic replacement of love with a heart in the phrase "I love..." But instead of a cartoon heart, I drew a real one to fit the project's goal. I started by drawing the eye, the heart and writing the words and I did not have a background. After realizing that there was too much white space, I added the people and shading in the background.

It was hard thinking of an original idea at first, but I am happy with how my project turned out. I think there is a lot going on, but everything is tied together by the color scheme. This project demonstrates my strengths because I was able to make a project in a creative manner with multiple forms of media (marker and colored pencil.) Overall I am pleased with my final product.